What scares men about women Nab: this maybe strong stuff and very - TopicsExpress


What scares men about women Nab: this maybe strong stuff and very fundamental. Read the reference article that has elicited this brain wave to be prepared to consider this take in perspective. A Cardinal says women are terrifying. washingtonpost/blogs/compost/wp/2015/01/13/cardinal-burke-is-right-women-are-terrifying/ Is it true that men are scared and marginalized by the presence of women when they come into or intrude into things that had been the preserve of men? This maybe true judging from the way men have drifted away from some roles, assignments , jobs and professions women have moved into. Why are men not often as competitive in a lot of roles as the men? Is it true the saying that what a man can do, a woman can also do and even better if she gets to start doing it? Experiences are showing some truth in these questions and the answers from careful observation tends to affirm the axioms in a lot of cases. Why are men feeling threatened and scared of women activists and the feminists movement? Is it the movement or the invasion of women and girls into hitherto cultural preserves of men and boys? Or is it the unequal competitive spirit or the diligence and service quality the girls and women bring to whatever many of the determined ones bring to any work or role they take on by circumstances or allowed by welcome or unwelcome changes in society attitudes to gender differentiated roles? The Cardinal has made some points that need to be moderated for a more positive take away from the phenomenon of the pressures from the feminist movement and the observed male migration away from roles and profession women have invaded. The Cardinal observed that the advent of girls and women servers into the church chancel or alters seemed to have caused a drifting away of the alter boys in many places. Now the question ought to be why are the the boys leaving. Do they feel marginalized or uncomfortable or scared working side by side with the girls? Could it be that the observed natural mindset of females to assignments they take on challenges the males who start feeling uncompetitive and start shying away or a macho subconscious that holds on to a strict differentiation of gender roles and as such believe that the coming into such roles sisifies it or makes a sisi out of the role nor is it the general combative or aggressive nature of the feminists and the speed of the whole feminism phenomenon that has alarmed and scared the courage and boldness of most men to compete fairly with the women in a more gender neutral mindset. We do recognize the staying and subsisting power of cultural and at time norms and inhibitions, the ego and male pride issues strengthened and acculturated by ancient practices, gender differentiations, rights and privileges hitherto enjoyed and enforced by religion, norms, mores and laws. Egalitarianism, emancipation, modernization, urbanization, ultra individualization and heightened impersonalization in the modern societies have all given wind to unrelenting activist feminism that has gained a lot of success through pursuit of gender equality legislations that followed closely the civil rights movement successes of the 50s and 60s and the full steam and explosion of the gender wars in the 70s and 80s. With the human rights genetic pursuits now gaining global preeminence and nations subscribing to UN treaties on same and the inbuilt gender equality laws being vigorously implemented, the Begin declarations and spirit of female ascendancy has more or less by law and growing practice equalized the roles, responsibilities and aspirations women can have and pursue worldwide. Only culture and religious inertia are the delaying factors in the embrace in certain societies and religious groups that are yet to fully buy into the new age of gender equality in all things except for pregnancy and child bearing. Now to give credence to the observation that men seem to give up on competition with women when they move in to professions hitherto have been the cultural preserve of men, let us check out the following - Nursing. Up until the World War I & II nursing was a preserve of men. Today men are in serious minority in the nursing profession. Women presence in all the medical fields is advancing rapidly to par and eventual ascension over the men. Sunday School, primary and Secondary teaching. These were dominated by men until the growing emergence of women in large numbers from the 50s and now fewer men are nurturing and training our children in western education and christian church environments. The men have taken a hike. Why? Is it that better hands have come or are the men feeling uncompetitive, complacent and capitulating to the arrival of the women? Law. Let me restrict my observation to Nigeria. More women are getting into the law profession and the bench and are lining up in quick succession for the office of a Chief Judges at state and national levels. The sow swelling of the numbers among the SAN club may not be far from gender prejudices and their yet to ascend to fiery and ground breaking advocacy. Now virtually in all the professions, the women are no longer inhibited from pursuing a fruitful career. In the Universities the gender statistics of enrollment is shifting in the Favour of the females. At convocation and prize giving, the men are getting a beating. I found a surprise in France and in Nigeria in the last 10 years of my work in the University system. In the colleges of Education, there appears to be a preponderance of women to the tune of about 80:20. At UNN, the ladies now occupy all the main campus and Ziks flat campus hotels erstwhile occupied by males in the 70s. In France I found all 300 final year students at a national examination for Diary professionals were females with no male in that final year class. In the churches embracing women ordained ministry, we see a lot of very good performance by women in ministry. In politics and governance and senior corporate leadership in International and national Organizations and Institutions and Businesses, the women are doing a good job and proving again and again that what a man can do, a woman can do even better. While the global leadership circuit has been plagued by too many men with clay foot of corruption and in appropriate behaviours and moral lapses, the women in high offices have been more or less clean of the sort of scandals we get regularly on the news. Apart from the case of the Philipino Acquino with a house full of shoes and dresses, Women leaders have not had the lot of news of questionable moral deficiencies fouling their integrity and character. There is now a growing sense and calls for more women in politics and governance to curb the rising cases of corruption, insensitivity of the ruling class in the care, welfare and future of families, nation and human development. The women appear to have been endowed by nature and their subjugation and relegation over time to be more competitive, focused, persistent, and result oriented in their pursuit of any venture they put their eye and hands on. THE LESSONS THE MEN MUST COME TO GRISPS WITH IS THAT, THE AMAZONS HAVE ARRIVED AND THERE IS NO GOING BACK. SIDE BY SIDE THEY WILL MATCH US WIT FOR WIT. THEY WILL,OFTEN BE MORE EAGER AND MOTIVATED FOR SUCCESS. ALL THE MEN MUST DO IS TO BECOME COMPETITIVE. THE GLOBALIZED WORLD IS GOING TO BE A NEUTRAL VIRTUAL WORLD THAT CARES NOT FOR GENDER, COLOUR OR RACE BUT PERFORMANCE AND RESULTS. MEN OUGHT THEREFORE TO WAKE UP TO THE REALITY OF OUR TIME, SHINE THEIR EYES, GET THEIR ACTS TOGETHER FOR THE GIRLS AND WOMEN ARE HEREBTO CHALLENGE AND MATCH THE MEN IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE SPHERE OF HUMAN ENDEAVOUR. There is no doubt that women give trouble and need care and wisdom to work with if you want to be at peace and in harmony when working with them. You need to learn how to do that because that is part of the skills and proficiency a modern manger must possess to manage well and get people working with him/her and for him/her and enjoying it.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 09:03:36 +0000

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