What shall I say unto the Lord for his faithfulness to his words - TopicsExpress


What shall I say unto the Lord for his faithfulness to his words in our lives? The Lord spoke to my husband Fatunsin Olumide and I at the beginning of the year that it is an unusual year and also declared to us in the ministry that it is our year of unlimited grace. He said we can do all things by his power and He gave us specific instructions on our assignment for the year during the 100 days fasting and prayers declared by Daddy E.A Adeboye and also through our Daddy Mike Bamiloye for drama ministers which was going on Simultaneously. During the period of fasting we also received directions on shooting our movies in various countries to be handled by Gods children over there and so in March we made I PROMISE YOU LORD which was shot on locations in Netherlands, Nigeria and USA. The USA part was handled by Brother Wole Adeyi of the Flaming Sword Ministries. Next was MIGHTY HANDS which was received in June few days to the continuation of our Television serial which started in January 2014. MIGHTY HANDS was shot in Netherlands, Nigeria and United Kingdom. LIFE CHOICES was shot in Netherlands, United Kingdom and Spain with Evangelist Seun Jonathan coordinating and directing the UK sequel and Pastor Temitope SijuAlex handled the SPAIN shooting. These movies were shot when we have little or no money but God the owner of the work raised help for us from different corners of the world for his work to be accomplished through us. He honoured himself in our lives; he brought so many things out of nothing. Yesterday, Saturday 6th December 2014 we held a special thanksgiving, dedications of the 3 movies and also premiered two of the movies LIFE CHOICES & MIGHTY HANDS. The three movies are now available on DVD. The guests went home with copies of the movies; our guest minister from United Kingdom sister Dupe Akinwande ministered powerfully in music and also declared prophetically over our ministry and guests at the event. We return all glory to God.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 14:54:12 +0000

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