What shia want you to believe in their imams Ahmed Badawi Is - TopicsExpress


What shia want you to believe in their imams Ahmed Badawi Is this the way you want us to believe in the descendants of the prophet? 065. Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) will resurrect Sheikheen (r.a) {Abu-Bakr (r.a) and Umar (r.a)} and punish them by hanging on the tree (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#361 - Published Iran] 066. When Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) will appear, before other nonbelievers, he will kill Ahl-e-Sunnah and Ahl-e-Sunnah scholars (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#527 - Published Iran] 067. Imams used to say Salam to each other while taking bath (Na’uzubillah). [Hulya-tul-Muttaqeen, Pg#118 - Published Iran] 068. Imams are not born through the womb of their mothers but they are born from the sides of their mothers (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#474 – Published Lahore] 069. Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) recited Holy Quran and called Salam in the womb of his mother (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#475 – Published Lahore] 070. Imams are also innocent like the Prophets (a.s) (Na’uzubillah). [Tohfa Namaz Ja’fariyah, Pg#28 – Published Lahore] 071. Abdullah Ibn-e-Saba was the first who declared the faith in Imamat and that Ali (r.a) is the true God (Na’uzubillah). [Anwaar-ul-Naumania, Vol#2, Pg#234 - Published Iran] 072. We (Imams) among ALLAH’s creatures are His eyes and among His servants (human being) the people of command (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#260 - Published Iran] 073. In the early Islamic period due to Taqiyyah (subterfuge), Shiites scholars used to hide the Hadiths (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#92 - Published Iran] 074. To weep on the vulnerability of Imams and to hide the secrets is like Holy crusade (Jihad) (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#3, Pg#283 - Published Iran] 075. World cannot exist without Imam (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#233 - Published Iran] 076. Imams know all what happened earlier and what is about to happen and nothing remains hidden to them (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#10 - Published Iran] 077. Without knowing the Imam, God cannot be proved (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#331 - Published Iran] 078. Imam knows the time of his death and dies by his own will (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#23 - Published Iran] 079. Imam has greater qualities than the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#299-300 - Published Iran] 080. Imams are equal in the status with Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#287 - Published Iran] 081. Imam get revelations (WAHI by ALLAH) (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#329-330 - Published Iran] 082. In the state of Taqiyyah (subterfuge) whatever Imam says just obey him and act accordingly (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#72 - Published Iran] 083. The Angels reveal upon Imams in the Shab-e-Qadr (Na’uzubillah). [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#569 - Published Lahore] 084. When Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) will appear there will be only forty perfect believers (Mo’min) in the world (Na’uzubillah). [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#571 - Published Lahore] 085. All Angels, Jibrail (a.s) {Gabriel (a.s)} and Mikail (a.s) will take the oath of allegiance upon Imam Mehdi’s (SHIAs 12th Imam) hand (Na’uzubillah). [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#594 - Published Lahore] Is this the way u want us to believe in your imams. You can see that all these beliefs is not Islam. This is the greatest misguidance in the Muslim ummah.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 21:41:28 +0000

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