What should be our concept to celebrate the birthday of Rasulallah - TopicsExpress


What should be our concept to celebrate the birthday of Rasulallah Salallahu Alayh Wassalam or any other Prophet? As far as Question of Celebrating Birthday of Rasulallah Salallahu Alayh Wassalam is concern, so some people think it’s innovation/biddah and should not be celebrated. It’s major misconception in our society and some of false narration. First of All the Criteria of classifying anything as biddah/innovation we’ve to know that what is Biddah? How many types it is? This answer is mentioned in Kitaab al Maqasid by Imam Nawawi Radiyallahu anhu (The second highest authority in the knowledge of Hadith) he Mentioned the hadith: “Rasulallah Salallahu Alayh Wassalam said: “Beware the Matters newly begun, for every innovation is Misguidance”. In the Explanation of Hadith the Scholars notify it that this hadith means “Those matters who’re against sacred law or hadith is misguidance” not all the matters are misguidance. After it He Explained the Categories of Biddah by The following: Obligatory Biddah, ‘Like making Quran as Books’. It was not done in the life of prophet but newly created. It’s Biddah but not the Misguidance but it’s called as Compulsory according to the need of Time. Recommended Biddah, “Like making Educational institutes”. This matter is also Innovation but it’s classified as recommended. Permissible Biddah, “Like living in new houses and eating in Plates and on table”. This matter is also newly created because it was not the practice of Rasulallah Salallahu Alayh Wassalam or His companions. But it’s classified as Permissible because it’s not misguidance. Offensive Biddah, “Like decorating Mosques and writing Quran in Different styles”. Unlawful Biddah, “Like increasing the sharrah of Zakah or violate and Sacred law or Hadith”. So any newly created matter should be check according to the above mentioned categories and majority of Scholars are agree on it. Like Imam Nawawi, Hafiz Ibn e Hajar, Imam Shafi’e Imam Malik Imam Abu hanifa, Imam Ahmad Bin Humble, Ibn e Kathir, Imam Bukhari, All Fuqaha scholars are agree on it that not every newly created matter is misguidance, but Those matters are misguidance which violates the law of Quran and Sunnah. Imam Shafi’e Radiyallahu Anhu said: Any thing which opposes (or changes) the Quran, Sunnah, Ijma (consensus) or the sayings of the Sahaba is Bidah. Any good deed which is not opposed to them is praiseworthy. (Kitaab al Umm). Imam Al-Hafiz Al-Nawawi (radi Allahu anhu) said in Vol.6, p.21 in his Commentary on Sahih Al-Bukhari: What the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) meant when he said very or all innovations, is that it is general but restricted, i.e. that most innovations are evil but not all. In Tahdhib Al-Asma wal Lugat Bidah is explained as follows: Bidah in Shariah is the invention of that which was not there in the period of the Messenger of Allah, and it is divided into two categories Hasanah (or good) and Qabihah (or evil). Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani (radi Allahu anhu) who explained Sahih Al-Bukhari said: Every action which was not in practice at the Prophets time is called or known as Innovation, however, there are those which are classified as Good and there are those which are contrary to that. Now as far as the Question regarding to celebrating the birthday Of Rasulallah Salallahu Alayh Wassalam is concern so Imam Suyuti Radiyallahu Anhu which is well known polymath of Islam and Author of Tafseer e Jalalain and Tadreeb Al’Ravi which is most prominent books of the Islamic world, mentioned some hadith regarding this issue in the Book “Siblul Huda fi Mauladil Mustafa” That: Hazrat Abu Darda Radiyallahu Anhu narrates that: ‘I went to the house of Aamer Ansari radiyallahu Anhu’ Along with the Prophet. Hazrat Abu Aamer was narrating the events of Birth of Rasulallah Salallahu Alayh Wassalamto a gathering of his relatives and children and was repeating: ‘This was the day and this was the day’. Rasulallah Salallahu Alayh Wassalam said: ‘O Abu Amer, Allah has opened the doors of His mercy for you, and the angels are praying for your absolution (Maghfirah). Whoever does this act of yours, he would also get the salvation like yours”. Abdullah Ibn e Abbas Radiyallahu anhu said: “One day at my home I had gathered people and was describing about the birth of Prophet Muhammad and the people were feeling over joyous and were invoking the praise of Rasulallah Salallahu Alayh Wassalam and reading durood. Then Rasulallah Salallahu Alayh Wassalam himself came to our gathering and said: ‘My Intercession for you has become legitimized’. The above hadith is Narrated by Imam Suyuti in his book ‘Siblul Huda’, Ahmad Bin hujr Al Makki in his book “Maulud al-Kabeer” and Also by Abul Qasim in “Addurul Munazzam” Imam Suyuti (Radiyallahu anhu) also writes regarding Milaad, that: According to me, gatherings, recitations of the Quran, mentioning incidents of the holy life of Rasulallah (Salallahu Alayh Wassalam) and mentioning those signs which appear at the time of his birth are amongst the good innovations in which a person is rewarded because in this there is respect, love and expression of happiness for the arrival of Rasulallah (Salallahu Alayh Wassalam). - (Al Haavi Lil Fataawa) Imam Ibn Taymiyyah writes: “Those people who celebrate Milaad through the love and respect of the Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace], will be rewarded by Allah. [Iqtidaa’ us-siraat-il-Mustaqeem, page 294] Hafiz Ibn e Kathir Mentioned the celebration of birth of Rasulallah Salallahu Alayh’ Wassalam in his History Al-Bidayah Wal’Nihaya Vol.13, p. 136: Sultan Muzaffar used to arrange the celebration of the Meelad Shareef with honour, glory, dignity and grandeur. In this connection he used to organise a magnificent festival. He was a pure-hearted, brave and wise Aalim (Scholar) and a just ruler, may Allah shower His Mercy upon him and grant him an exalted status. Some saying of Shafie Scholars on celebration of milaad: 1. al-Imam an-Nawawi’s shaykh, head of the famous Syrian school, Dar al-Hadith al-Ashrafiyyah, the great Shafi`i jurist and traditionist, Abdur Rahman ibn Ismail, well-known as Abu Shamah. He states in his Risalah, “And among the best innovated actions in these times are those actions that take place every year coinciding with the birth of the Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wasallam) such as charity, good deeds, personal beautification, joy, and so forth, as they speak of love and reverence for the beloved Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wasallm)…” 2. Hafiz ibn Hajar al-Asqalani’s shaykh, Sirajud Din Umar ibn Raslan ash-Shafi`i. In al-Mawaz wal Iitibar, Al-Miqrizi mentioned that Shaykh al-Bulqini, his sons, and the judges of the four madhahib of his time, would all attend the mawlid of the Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wasallam). 3. The renowned commentator of al-Imam al-Bukhari’s Sahih, Hafidh al-Dunya, Allamah Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani. In addition to the above, his student al-Imam as-Suyuti related that he opined that if the mawlid only consists of good actions, then it will be considered a good innovation. 4. Al-Imam as-Suyuti authored an entire treatise on the recommendation of the mawlid celebration. 5. In his Fatawa, Al-Hafiz as-Sakhawi mentions that even though the mawlid was not practiced by our pious predecessors, it still holds great virtue. As-Sakhawi also authored a mawlid. 6. Al-Imam al-Qastalani asks Allah in his al-Mawahib al-Laduniyyah to shower His mercy upon the people who celebrate the birth of the Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wasallam). 7. Allamah Ibn Hajar al-Haytami, who’s views represent the opinion from which fatwa is given in the Shafi`i school, approves of the mawlid in his al-Fatawa al-Fiqhiyyah al-Kubra. To date, I have not seen any of the School’s classical jurists condemning the practice. Thus, the Shafi’i School’s official view is that the celebration of his (sallAllahu alayhi wasallam) birthday is not just permissible, but recommended. So this act is definitely appreciated and also rewarded by Allah, if it’s done according to the way of Quran and Sunnah. And Allah knows best. Collected by: Muhammad Shaheen Ash-Shafi’e For more info join us @ facebook/groups/shafie.fiqh
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 17:27:58 +0000

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