What struck me this morning - Do you recall what Ronald Reagan - TopicsExpress


What struck me this morning - Do you recall what Ronald Reagan said right after he was shot, just two months into his Presidency? Honey, I forgot to duck to his wife or I hope you are all Republicans to his surgeons. (To which the lead surgeon is said to have responded, We are all Republicans today, Mr. President.). Reagans responses were made all the more compelling when we found out later how seriously he had been injured. And then he showed no malice toward the shooter, John Hinckley. I was in my mid-20s then and, even though I had grown up in California when he was governor, those moments locked in an indelible positive impression about Reagans personal character. Fast forward to today, to a twofer from Obama - First, his spiteful and petty response during the government shutdown to barricade the otherwise open-air WWII memorial, even intentionally re-barricading it after veterans showed up. Second, he knowingly lied to the American public about our ability to keep our health insurance policies and doctors under ObamaCare. Not once or twice but about 30 times. Obama has also left an indelible impression on the American people: When the chips were down, he has proved himself to be a petty, vindictive man who will lie to get his way. Just like with Reagan, a vivid picture of Obamas personal character has been painted from these defining moments. And what an unfavorable contrast it is.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 14:01:40 +0000

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