What the Angels want you to know right now... Now is the time - TopicsExpress


What the Angels want you to know right now... Now is the time for growing. The seed has been planted and its time to nurture it and maybe even start to see it sprout. You are learning a lot about yourself and your capabilities, perhaps youre even surprising yourself with what you thought you couldnt do. There is nothing you cant do and you would be wise to remember that. Welcome to the school of life. All of your learning comes from what youve experienced and who youve interact with. Every situation has a lesson within it for you, if you are brave enough to look. Im hearing gathering information, so perhaps now is a good time to sit back and watch events unfold rather than being pulled by the voice that says you must take action. The old adage if in doubt, dont applies here, at least to the extent of having all the available information first before diving in. Im hearing a big Yes! Where in some instances you are guided to sit back and take it all in, there is another situation where you are being guided to act, and that lies in the area of your desires and dreams. Feel the energy of the colour red envelop you and recharge you, keeping you on track. Stop procrastinating, you can do this. The power has always been within you and now is the time to draw on that power and radiate it out into the world. You are completely safe and guided as you walk in the light of your truth. Its easy to dismiss or even try to repress your sensitivity, but try to see it for what it is: a blessing. You are truly blessed to be so sensitive, so aware. It is from this place that real and lasting change can and will occur. Let it go is the message from the angels. You dont need it and you dont want it anymore. You dont need to keep riding the karma merry go round, just make the firm decision to be free and you will be. We are sometimes drawn to people in this life because of past life connections and unfinished business. If you feel yourself in a situation like this with another person and youre not sure what to do, call on your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides for help. One of the best things you can do is to call on Archangel Michael to cut chords of fearful attachment between yourself and the other person. The overall message right now is give yourself a pat on the back and keep moving forward, better times are ahead and perhaps youre already seeing the evidence of this. Love and Be Loved Bec
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 00:58:34 +0000

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