What the Center for Agricultural Services? The Centre for - TopicsExpress


What the Center for Agricultural Services? The Centre for Agricultural Services (CSA ) is an independent structure of NGO status , to be implemented in all rural districts of Madagascar and driven by local stakeholders in the district to serve as a technical tool for the development of agricultural services. It is a national program in partnership with the European Union and under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture , Livestock and Fisheries main objectives Overcome the deficit of services to farmers in the context of state withdrawal , decentralization and the current low supply private Develop a sustainable mechanism of providing necessary advice to farmers: technical, economic , organizational, etc. . Contribute to the development of production and agricultural productivity by becoming one of the levers of the Green Revolution mission Linking service requests from farmers with service providers who can answer while encouraging the emergence of local responses ( private operators , NGOs, professional organizations, financial institutions , etc. . ) . Actions and areas of intervention The CSA will intervene in the 3 sectors of production are agriculture, livestock and fisheries , and the areas are in particular: - Inputs ( . Fertilizers, seeds , pesticides , animal feed, etc. ) and the hardware - The board support (technical , economic, management , etc.). Including training - The technical and economic information and the dissemination of new technologies. - The objective is thus to provide each rural district (107 districts) of CSA by 2009 with the contribution of six (6) Operators Support (AD ISCED AFDI , AIM, EAM , FERT and FEKRITAMA ) selected by the APRM and the European Union. Fifty (50 ) CSA was established in 2008 and the process of implementation of fifty seven (57) remaining continues and will be finalized by July 2009. Full Framing setting up CSA is carried out with the support of DRDR and control of DVAAOP (Department of Agricultural Extension and Support to Farmers Organization ) via Support Service Centres Agricultural Services on the national level. The institutional set-up of CSA in six ( 6) Regions ( Amoroni Mania Analamanga , Bongolava High Matsiatra , Itasy and Menabe ) was finally buckled in 2008, the process continues for sixteen (16) with the remaining Regions necessary strategic steps ( advocacy, entertainment , information, constitution peasant assemblies, etc. . ) to the CSA concept is well understood by the rural world. As an illustration, the activities in the Region Betsiboka with the support of and contribution DRDR ASM will lead to the election of representatives of farmers provided 04 and March 6 for the next event Maevatanana , capital of the Region. Actions consolidate the gains are also being taken to operationalize the CSA already installed in other regions (validation of the inventory of the district , training of members of the Steering Committee , etc.). funding In terms of internal financing , the CSA program benefits from public investment program during the startup phase. For the year, Ar 4 billion are planned and included in the state budget for the operation of CSA . Next Decision No 014/2009/MAEP/Mi February 12, 2009 , the APRM provides authorization for payment of the grant Malagasy Government for the fifty (50 ) CSA set up to a total of 2.080 billion Ariary and , by compliance with the policy and principles of fiscal decentralization (managed at the regional level budget). The release of funding embodies the will and commitment of the Government to the CSA program and an integral part of the strategic axes of the challenges of the green revolution, commitment No. 4 MAP. However, the CSA device is called to be supported by the FDA ( Fund for Agricultural Development ) provided by the MAP as a financial tool for the development of producer services. Donors such as the European Union , the World Bank and IFAD are willing to help finance the implementation of FRDA (Regional Fund for Agricultural Development ) from 2009 , a preliminary phase for the implementation instead of FDA nationally .
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 07:51:38 +0000

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