What the??? Cut water off? The laws in this state are treacherous! - TopicsExpress


What the??? Cut water off? The laws in this state are treacherous! No complaints, just time to fight back lawfully and legally. Time to demand what is necessary and needed for the city. The mayor stole your money and it should have been replaced, and you should have been neglected. We have to learn that we were born here and they work for us not the other way around. You are given wealth and the responsibility to feed a nation and cant even do that to a city let alone a state ! ? . Its pretty simple if the ppl realize they dont have to beg and instead legally demand a stimulus. If the so called fascist gov can constantly create stimulus to fund unlawful wars and invest in immigrant migration, and bail out banks, then it can surely find some tax dollars at OUR legal REQUEST to build the necessary infrastructure to get a city up running and thriving again if it ever was #how will they bathe? MLK stated that black Americans, as well as other disadvantaged Americans, should be compensated for historical wrongs. In an interview conducted for Playboy in 1965, he said that granting black Americans only equality could not realistically close the economic gap between them and whites. MLK said that he did not seek a full restitution of wages lost to slavery, which he believed impossible, but proposed a government compensatory program of $50 billion over ten years to all disadvantaged groups. You see, we (black ppl) think of all the disadvantaged despite many not thinking about or including us in the equation. Regardless, this would be the best way to end poverty in America, but of course, they pretend we are broke and not paying enough taxes, although, we are excessively double plus taxed on almost everything now...meanwhile the rich continue to get richer off the backs of poor ppls labor and then they are laid off when the companies want to lower wages by creating financial crisis and job scarcity...playing us all like toys r us.. They use rooks n knights (the Ancient Moorish game of Chess) to neutralize us, the pawns (American ppl), in what is supposed to be a country with a government by the ppl for the ppl. No, jus plain evil amongst wealthy corps and not even a evolving conforming system where our leaders are ensuring a balanced proper circulation of the tax dollars inside of the country instead of the continuing rapid flow of money outside or abroad. Im like wow lol please ppl wake up, we are all being check-- mated.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 12:20:07 +0000

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