What the Hell Happened? By Gary Bikman, 12/16/14 For what man - TopicsExpress


What the Hell Happened? By Gary Bikman, 12/16/14 For what man starts to build without first sitting down & calculating the costs? So what did we start (i.e. join Wildrose) to build/accomplish? 1. More freedom thru less government 2. Enshrine property rights - access to the courts; no regulatory taking; removing offending clauses in 36 & 2; repeal 24 3. Balance the budget 4. Leave income in the Heritage Savings Trust Fund till it reaches a level where its income can eliminate the need for budget adjustments due to fluctuating royalty revenue 5. Level funding for municipalities, eliminating the need for costly, awkward and politically manipulative grant programs & their expensive (to all levels) administrative bureaucracy. 6. Shrink bureaucracy to the essentials - eliminate the layer of lard a. Market driven Pay, Perks & Parachutes 7. Reduce red tape & regulations 8. End entitlement mentality among government MLAs & their bloated bureaucracy 9. Eliminate intimidation a. Prioritized, transparent infrastructure & maintenance projects, based on need not politics 10. Set election dates, not seasons, with no opt out cuz the winds of popularity are blowing our way options 11. Free votes on all but money bills Most of these are the kinds of things we’ve negotiated for with the premier as our “price” for joining most of our caucus with theirs. Would waiting until WR forms government have resulted in our whole agenda being passed? Possibly, but recent by-election results and our own internal polls & squabbles show that event is highly unlikely. Methods or Results - Partisanship or Principles? 1. Should we care who gets the credit? 2. Are we loyal to a Party or committed to real results? 3. Should we stick to the plan, come hell or high water? a. Or should we adapt our methods to changing circumstances & opportunities? Lessons learned from life and the real world Every businessman needs the best possible plan if he hopes to succeed. He has to perform thorough due diligence, seeking info & input from multiple sound sources. He needs to vet his strategy with investors, potential customers & possibly even prospective employees, refining and tweaking as he goes along. Finally he starts to create the business, hire his team, attract investors, advertise, produce goods or provide services, all the time remembering he only sells two things – solutions and good feelings. What does he encounter? • Lower demand • Aggressive pricing by competitors who may offer more features & lower prices • Government red tape and new regulations • Staffing problems, etc. Did his plan anticipate all eventualities? (Impossible) Should he stick to his plan without modification? (Fatal) He adapts & adjusts to his new reality or he fails - another corpse in the cemetery of hopes and dreams. EVERY successful, enduring enterprise has had to change its plans, adjust its course & redefine success. Everyone! No exceptions. Essential to every endeavor is focused, timely feedback so course corrections can be made. Ideally those are welcomed and quickly implemented so their benefits are immediate. Sometimes theyre ignored too long so that a major adjustment must be made. Some employees leave, muttering, This isnt the same friendly little company it used to be. Or, I dont have as much power & influence as I used to so Im quitting. Or, I don’t like change; Im staying right where I am. Ill start my own company, like this one used to be. Etc. Theyre missed but soon forgotten as brisk business demand is met and served by new, ambitious associates who catch the vision and arent hampered by old ways and dysfunctional perspectives. Change or die; adapt or perish. Values are man made attempts to organize and control. They can be principle based but are often created from emotions & beliefs not truths. Principles are universal absolutes. Behavior consistent with and built on eternal verities inevitably succeeds.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 20:04:18 +0000

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