“What the caterpillar calls the end of the World, the Butterfly - TopicsExpress


“What the caterpillar calls the end of the World, the Butterfly calls the very Beginning!” As a yoga teacher I have the beautiful gift of observing my students transform into amazing individuals of strength and health. I’d like to give a big shout out to one of my most loyal students, and now good friends, Lisa Brown. Lisa has transformed since starting yoga just over 1 year ago. Transformation by definition is a process of profound and radical change that orients as a new direction and takes it to an entirely different level of effectiveness. I love this definition as it represents the true meaning of what the transformation process creates! Lisa has made such leaps and bounds since her yoga practice started and then again when she tackled dry July earlier this year. Lisa will be the first to tell you that she has changed dramatically! And coincidently, as I type this Lisa has text me to say “I feel great and strong. Loving the changes in my body!” When Lisa first began her yoga journey, it wasn’t easy; it was scary, hard and frightening as hell as she started to peel off the onion layers to her deeper self – Chakras were all over the place (little yogi joke!). Now, Lisa is stronger, holding poses for longer, even coming into postures that once were thought of as impossible to her...Now healthier in her body, mind and spirit! - and the most beautiful thing is - I get to be witness to her discipline and dedication to her practice on, and off the mat. Lisa is taking her yoga into the World and is such an inspiration for all of us to stick to the journey, no matter how hard it can seem at first. Lisa practices her yoga with Discipline, not ambition. The difference is there, that she has no ego attached to reaching a certain goal, being able to do 10 million headstands, Lisa is travelling and walking this journey one step at a time, honouring the here and now, the present moment, letting her light grow brighter inside her with every moment of awakening she experiences. A guru of mine, Prem Baba, once told me in India… “You can’t control when a flower will bloom, but you can sow the seeds in preparation!” Lisa, I’ve love being a part of your journey and want to thank you for your discipline, dedication and beautiful energy that you bring to each session. May you continue this yogic path and let it fill your heart with Strength, Grace and Humility to tackle to World and all that it brings. Xxx “Lisa, keep conch shelling the S*^T out of life!” (another personal joke!) Much Love, Lauren Ji
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 04:15:50 +0000

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