What “the government of Ethiopia doesn’t want the world to - TopicsExpress


What “the government of Ethiopia doesn’t want the world to know” Content on the Documentary by Kulani Jalata Below is IOYA’s documentary on the Oromo protests, including eyewitness accounts from Peace Corps volunteers Jennifer Klein and Josh Cook. Jennifer and Josh had been working in Ambo on a health project when the protests began in Ambo and security forces responded: “Every few minutes, we were hearing gun shots. Sometimes we would hear what sounded like an explosion followed by a round of 30 or 40 gunshots. Sometimes there were gunshots within a block or two of our house…the gunshots were so close that it frightened both of us a lot.” Not only did Josh and Jennifer bear witness to the massacring of students that day as well as the loading up of buses and trucks of protesting students by police officers to be shipped to prisons, but they also witnessed Ethiopian police officers follow two of their neighbors into their home while the protests were taking place across town and shoot them to death. “That’s when Jen and I were very frightened,” Josh said. “We couldn’t believe that the police would enter somebody’s private home and shoot them in their home. It was awful.” Read More here: ioya.org/content_of_documentary Please Share, Tweet, assure the video goes viralhttps://youtube/watch?v=E31gqU_fbpM&feature=youtu.be #FreeOromoStudents #Ethiopia
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 06:07:44 +0000

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