What then shall we say? Shall we habitually sustain an attitude of - TopicsExpress


What then shall we say? Shall we habitually sustain an attitude of dependence upon, yieldedness to, and cordiality with the sinful nature in order that grace may abound? - May such a thing never occur. How is it possible for us, such persons as we are, (us) who have been SEPARATED ONCE FOR ALL FROM THE SINFUL NATURE, any longer live in its grip? Do you not know that all we who were placed in Christ Jesus, in HIS death were (past tense) placed? WE therefore *were (past tense) entombed WITH HIM through this being placed in His death, in order that in the same manner as there was raised up Christ out from among those who are dead through the glory of the Father, thus also *we by means of a NEW LIFE IMPARTED may order our behavior.* Romans 6:1-4 Wuest Right behavior 101: Everything flows from an understanding of 1) Christ died AS you and included you in the cross. He took your place, lived your life perfectly before God, & died your death. You will never again be judged, punished, or condemned for sin because all sin was fully judged in the body of Jesus. You stand in perpetual forgiveness & love before your Father. Thats really good news you should think about! 2) Your old sinful nature is dead, and will never come back. 3) You have been resurrected in Christ with a perfect, divine nature - the nature of Christ. You are not in any clean-up process, you are awakening to how perfect you already are. When He said He would put in you a new heart & write his laws on your heart, He meant it - its done! 4) The emphasis is not on your behavior but on receiving the continual flow of His imparted life. Continually receive the life of God & you will live according to your original design - in the image & likeness of God. Its not even you, its about Christ living His life in and through you as you rest in Him & enjoy Him. You resting = God working. Thats a really good deal. 5) Your lifestyle will be lived congruent with how you see yourself. If you believe that youre a sinner, youll sin by faith. If you believe you are perfect and righteous as Jesus, youll begin to live likewise. Behavior is the fruit of the root of your belief systems. Deal with the root (what you believe) and good fruit (right living) will follow. Dont gauge your performance of goodness ever again, keep your eyes set on Jesus and youll begin to live more holy accidentally than you ever did on purpose.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 03:45:29 +0000

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