What they are not saying is the obvious conclusions that can be - TopicsExpress


What they are not saying is the obvious conclusions that can be drawn from both the facts and the actions of this committee chairman; with more than $150 Million spent in investigation, over 100 IRS clerks working full time since this investigation opened to supply any and ALL of the requested documents that do exist, with a Republican appointed department head who was directly involved and although he publicly accepts a portion of the blame for creating the computer filters at question- has never been called before the committee (in fact the minority has tried to get him as a witness several times... but they have been disallowed from calling ANY witnesses), with the IRSs IG finding no evidence of either a connection to the White House or political motivations-- in facts not publicly acknowledged by the committee chair but, but acknowledged by several committee witnesses when questioned directly(often grudgingly), that the activity in question involved any keywords that the IRS investigators thought might be political regardless of political affiliation right, left, Dem, GOP, Libertarian or even socialist-- the IG saw no evidence of bias... and THE FACT that, on this very day, Lois Lerners Attorney arrived with a written and signed proffer, answering every one of the 10 questions asked by Issa, in detail, in the exact words Lerner would speak if she was not exercising her rights not to... THE FACT is that Issa did not call this witness expecting her to speak-- he just wanted to get some video to fill Fox News Programming for the week... believing that video of Lerner, an Obama appointee, exercising her rights plays to the Fox/GOP bases hate and suspicion and allows Fox News to fill their programming with their hosts making the inference that she is hiding something. THE FACT is that the answers to every one of Issas 10 questions have been offered to the committee over and over and over... THE FACT is that Issas move to prevent any Democrat from questioning Lerner was to keep the answers (called a proffer) from actually being read into the committee records. What is Issa about? Hes about grandstanding and feeding Fox News video programming from his tightly orchestrated hearings. Issa knows he will never prove any White House involvement because there wasnt any, and he knows that the premise that conservatives alone were singled out and persecuted is patently false. But what he knows does not matter-- as long as he can keep feeding Fox News, they will convince their easily duped viewers that hes already proved it and a conspiracy is keeping him from providing evidence... You may ask why Lerner doesnt just give the answers herself??? Because she knows that Issas true aim and intention is to get video of her speaking phrases that can be cut out of context, edited to seem to say things not actually true that are counter to the actually entire answer. Her and her attorney know that Issa and Fox will use the video clips deceitfully and dishonestly in attempt to embarrass her and harm her reputation and hurt the Obama administration because they appointed her..... Dishonestly, deceit, Issas dishonesty, Issas deceits of omission weve seen this act played out over and over and over since Issa assumed the chairmanship of this committee. AND she doesnt answer because at the end of the day, she is an American citizen and the constitution that the GOP touts and tramples to suit their goals says that she doesnt have to... Issas little hateful stunt to disrespect Elijah Cummings who was a civil rights pioneer, marched with Dr King, who has worked for decades to serve his constituents, who has in better times won the respect and admiration from congressmen on both sides of the aisle and has more integrity than Issa can even imagine-- is going to serve Issas purpose-- being hateful??.. people are growing numb from watching white Republican men being ugly hateful, it will get attention cause its good drama for a day or two and then it will blur into 4 years of this behavior all day every day... And most people will completely miss THE REAL TRUTH that he kept the questions he so dramatically asked from being answered... by cutting off the voice of the Democrat members of his committee because he doesnt want real answers-- and especially not these real answers, because they would bring this entire farce to a close.... abcnews.go/blogs/politics/2014/03/rep-elijah-cummings-gets-cut-off-at-house-irs-hearing/
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 01:49:46 +0000

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