What this statement meant in terms of legislative action is that - TopicsExpress


What this statement meant in terms of legislative action is that Speaker Boehner is not going to allow the Democratic proposal to be brought to the House floor for a vote. Throughout his time as Speaker, John Boehner has killed legislation that he opposes by not allowing it to come to the floor for a vote. Boehner’s position that tax cuts add to the deficit apparently only applies to tax cuts for the middle class because it was only last month that Speaker Boehner supported a $440 billion tax cut for corporations. John Boehner is fond of referring to the House as the People’s House, but it clear that the people the Speaker is referring to aren’t working folks or middle class Americans. By the People’s House, Speaker Boehner means the Koch brothers, corporations, or other special interests. If Republicans were serious about governing, they would seize the opportunity to pass a middle-class tax cut that Democrats would support and the president would sign. Instead, Republicans are using their power in Congress to harm the middle class while claiming to be carrying out the will of the people. politicususa/2015/01/12/john-boehner-screws-american-people-blocking-2000-middle-class-tax-cut.html
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 00:27:37 +0000

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