What time in history would you travel to if you were forced to - TopicsExpress


What time in history would you travel to if you were forced to pick a year? RULES: All that you get to take with you is the knowledge in your head and no time to study. You also dont get to go back to a place on your own timeline because almost anybody would choose to just go back and invest in Microsoft, Apple, Exxon, Etc. in order to become a wealthier version of you. Or maybe you would prevent yourself from meeting your ex-spouse. Either way, not allowed. Things to consider: What knowledge do you have? If you play lead guitar in a cover band you could go back to the 50s and make rock music your very own. You could sing Beatles songs before the Beatles ever heard of Rock and Roll. If you are a scientist, you could choose to go back to the earliest year that you would have the technology to support the founding of the field you are in. A physicist could produce the Theory of Relativity while Einstein was still a patten clerk. But if you go back too far, you might not have the knowledge to create the foundation of the science that produced the specialty field you are in now. For example, if most of your work involves scanning-electron microscopy, you cant go back that far if you dont know how to build an electron microscope. For each person it would be different. Each would posses different facts in their heads. Some people might not change the course of history the least bit because they have no specialized skill past texting. Others who have almost perfect memories could be wealthy, happy, and comfortable for their entire new existence in the past if all they were interested in was helping themselves. Research doctors could bring disease theory to the distance past or put other researchers on the right paths to curing certain diseases while a regular M.D. could only advance medicine so far since they most likely wouldnt know the chemical structure of the modern medicine they have been prescribing for years. Someone with just basic training could hook up with a blacksmith in the far past and churn out modern inventions that were outdated by the time they were born but still completely ahead of the time they landed in. Or would you simply kill a young Hitler and hope for the best? What is your optimal year and what do you think you could contribute to that time period?
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 02:04:11 +0000

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