What to DO - When God Blesses YOU - TopicsExpress


What to DO - When God Blesses YOU ??????? ----------------------------------------------------- TAKE.THE.ROD.AND.GATHER.THE.PEOPLE_ CLEVELAND.OH SUNDAY_ 50-0827E God bless you, and make you a blessing to others. LAW.OR.GRACE_ JEFF.IN V-26 N-7 WEDNESDAY_ 54-1006 Bless this little church tonight, Father. Bless every one here. If theres strangers in our gates, bless them, Father, every one. Make us a blessing to others. ENTICING.SPIRITS_ JEFF.IN DE 79-112 SUNDAY_ 55-0724 May the God of your father, the Lord Jesus Christ ever bless you and make your life a blessing to others. In Jesus Christs Name I bless this child. Amen. HEAR.YE.HIM_ CHICAGO.IL SUNDAY_ 56-0930 Everything has been fulfilled, waiting now for the coming of the Lord Jesus. And how should we do this afternoon? We should speak and act today as if this is the last hour well ever have. And who knows but what it might be. It may be for some of us, and it may be for all of us. But lets act as if its our last hour. Lets pray as never before. And lets be a blessing to others, and try to do all we can; for remember, this is only one time that were mortal. Be a channel for Gods blessings, not a reservoir. 1. A Christian’s blessings from God have the purpose of being a blessing for others. 2. This theme runs throughout the Bible, starting with the call of Abraham in Genesis. 3. Be a channel and not a reservoir 4. If you want to find your life, you have to lose it for God. 5. Throughout the Old Testament, God requires Israel to take care of the widows, orphans, and aliens in their midst 6. The New Testament continues this message and focuses even more strongly on a life of sacrificial love 7. Christians talk a lot about being “blessed” by God or being a “blessing” for others, but the biblical sense is passing from our understanding. 8. We are not allowed to live for ourselves alone. Where there is a need we should try to help, no matter in how small our contribution might be. We are blessed by being a blessing for others. 9. Reflect Gods light and love to those around you. 10. The giving of the Word is important. 11. Matthew 5:16 - In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven Have you ever wondered why God may not be blessing you as much as you think he should? It could be because youve become a reservoir for Gods blessings, rather than a channel. If youre simply accumulating more and more rather than giving what has been given to you, then God probably wont bless you. However, if you give away the things that God gives you, then you become a channel through which his blessings flow. He blesses you so that you can bless others. Thats exactly what God promised to Abram: I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing (Genesis 12:2). God promised to bless Abram so that he could be a blessing to others. If you use what you have to bless others, then God will probably bless you with more (so that you can bless others even more). The Bible describes that principle using language of sowing and reaping: you reap what you sow (Galatians 6:7-8). Furthermore, 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 says, Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. These verses are a direct promise from God: If you will sow abundantly with a good (cheerful) attitude, then God will bless you. Why? So that you can bless others. Being a channel for Gods blessings means passing them on to others. This principle of sowing and reaping works in all areas of our life--not just money. You can bless others in ways that dont necessarily require money. Decide to sow seeds of blessing aggressively, and youll discover that God will provide a great abundance for you simply because youre a channel not a reservoir. I cant give away what I dont have: If I cant love others, its because I dont know that God loves me. It is obvious that in order to give away money, you must have money to give away, and in order to give away a car, you must have a car to give away. Likewise, in order to give away love, you must have love to give away. That love -- true love -- can come only from God, for he is the only source of unconditional love. As followers of Christ, we are instructed to let Gods love flow through us to the world: A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another (John 13:34). You are to love others as God loves you. However, if you dont know how much God loves you, then you cant love one another. Leviticus 19:18 says, Love your neighbor as yourself. Again, if you dont have love in you (for yourself and for God), then you cant love others. So, if youre having trouble loving others, its probably because you dont know how much God loves you. May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of God be with for ever more. Please grow strong in the Lord. Eph.6:10Acts 15:11 - But we believe that through the grace of the LORD Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 14:56:52 +0000

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