What to Sprout Alfalfa sprouts Alfalfa – means ‘father - TopicsExpress


What to Sprout Alfalfa sprouts Alfalfa – means ‘father of all foods’ in Arabic, a lovely mild taste means you can’t grow enough. The seeds are sensitive to heat, ready in 7 days). Alfalfa, as the name in Arabic signifies, is the king of all sprouts. Grown as a plant, its roots are known to burrow as much as 12 meters into the subsoil to bring up valuable trace minerals of which manganese is especially important to health and digestion; it is a vital component of human insulin. Apart from minerals, alfalfa is also a rich source of vitamins A,B,C,E and K and amino acids. Sesame seeds are another good source of nourishment. They contain all the essential amino acids in their 20 per cent protein content and higher concentration of calcium than does milk. They are high in lecithin, unsaturated fats, vitamin E and vitamin B complex, besides other live nutrients. Beetroot: Sprouting Seeds Beetroot sprouts have a light earthy taste, just a touch different and neutral in combination with other vegetables. It is the fantastic colour that that makes all the difference on your plate. They can be used raw or cooked to decorate salads, toast dishes and other snacks or stir fries. Beetroot sprouting seeds are similar to the Mung bean in the sense that you can grow in the light or dark to produce two very different tasting varieties of sprouting seed. Rich in vitamins, amino acids and mineral salts, they are easy to digest and have a low calorie content. Eaten raw, they maintain all of their nutrient value. Pre-soak seeds for best results, the sprouts will be ready in around 6 to 8 days. Sprouting the Seeds: Put seeds into a bowl or into your sprouter. Add 2 to 3 times as much cool (16°C/60°F) water. Mix seeds up to assure even water contact and soak for 6-12 hours. Empty the seeds into your sprouter (if necessary) and drain off the soak water, then rinse again and drain thoroughly. Set your sprouter anywhere out of direct sunlight and at room temperature (21°C/70°F is optimal) between rinses. Rinse and drain again every 8 to 12 hours for 3 days. Note: Brassicas tend to float. Try to sink those that do by knocking them down with your fingers. Most of those floating seeds will sink during the hours they are soaking. Greening: On the fourth day if youve been keeping them away from light, move them into some light. Avoid direct sun as it can cook your sprouts. Indirect sunlight is best, but you will be amazed at how little light sprouts require to green up. Continue to rinse and drain every 8 to 12 hours. This is where your sprouts do their growing. Your sprouts will be done during day 5 or 6.The majority will have open leaves which will be green if you exposed them to light. These wonderful little Brassica plants have a unique root structure. Brassicas will show microscopic roots starting around day 3. They are called root hairs and are most visible just before rinsing when the sprouts are at their driest. When you rinse the root hairs will collapse back against the main root. Many people make the mistake of thinking these root hairs are mold, but they are not De-Hull: Before your final Rinse remove the seed hulls. Brassica sprout hulls are quite large (relative to the seed and sprout) and they hold a lot of water (which can dramatically lessen the shelf life of your sprouts), so we remove them Transfer the sprouts to a big (at least 3 to 4 times the volume of your sprouter) pot or bowl, fill with cool water, loosen the sprout mass and agitate with your hand. Skim the hulls off the surface. Return the sprouts to your sprouter for their rinse and drain. Your sprouts are done 8 to 12 hours after your final rinse. Harvest: After the de-hulling and the final rinse, drain very thoroughly and let the sprouts dry a little. If we minimize the surface moisture of the sprouts they store much better in refrigeration, so either let them sit for 8 to 12 hours or use a salad spinner to dry the sprouts after their final rinse and skip the final 8 to12 hour wait, instead going directly to refrigeration. Refrigerate: Transfer the sprout crop to a glass container or the sealed container of your choice. Wheatgrass - is the young grass grown from wheat. Its use dates back to biblical times and is mentioned often in the Dead Sea Scrolls. One of the best sources of chlorophyll and pure sunlight energy. Wheatgrass is grown on soil in trays, cut and juiced when mature. It is one of the greatest known sprouts for detoxing the body and purifying the liver. Fenugreek sprouts - Are a wonderful aromatic sprout, which has the scent similar to that of maple syrup. Its seeds are used as a popular spice in Indian food. Fenugreek sprouts aid in digestion and is noted for its lymph cleansing qualities and benefits to female breast health. Fenugreek – Tall and bitter, prefers cool temperatures. Mix with milder sprouts to tone it down, ready in 9 days. What is fenugreek? Fenugreek sprouts and leaves come from a small seed that can be ground down and used as a spice. It is native to the Middle East and a common seasoning added to curries in East Indian cuisine. If you are new to sprouting you may not be familiar with this popular seed that can also be sprouted as a super sprout with many beneficial health attributes. In fact, it is right up there with broccoli sprouts when it comes to the most medicinal sprout seed. Fenugreek is actually not a seed but a legume and is part of the Facacae family. It is a wonderful tasting sprout that is slightly spicy and bitter with a strong smelling aroma, much like that of maple syrup. Interestingly enough, fenugreek is actually used in the commercial food industry to create an artificially flavored maple taste. Fenugreek is a great sprout to make if you are just learning how to sprout because they are relatively easy to grow, like mung bean sprouts, and can take about 3 days until they are ready to eat. It depends how you like them though. Some people prefer to eat them just after the sprout pops from the seed. What is Fenugreek Good For? Eliminating excess mucus from the body Maintaining breast health Reducing inflammation Detoxifying the lymph and blood Increasing testosterone, beneficial for counteracting excess estrogens Increasing hair growth Supporting milk production when breast feeding Reducing weight Breast enlargement Digestive ailments, like IBS and ulcers Menopausal aid for hot flashes Naturally lowers cholesterol Stabilizes blood sugar Fenugreek Sprouts for Womens Health: Fenugreek and its sprouts are particularly good for women in many regards. For one, they are an exceptional sprout for breast health. They are known to be extremely beneficial for lactating women who are breastfeeding because they improve the production of breast milk. In addition, fenugreek is said increase breast size with stories going way back in traditional folklore. As the age old poem goes: A gorgeous sprout does fenugreek grow. Soak it - then sprout it. It is bitter though. New fame has it these days - with women - no jest, Fen-U-Greek they say - does augment ones chest. Caution: Avoid if pregnant. Studies reveal that fenugreek may stimulate uterine contractions in some women. Fenugreek Sprouts: Lymphatic Cleanser Fenugreek, unlike any other sprout, helps to induce sweating and perspiration by activating the lymphatic system. It is a diaphoretic, which helps to clean and detoxify this important system of the body that also carries oxygen and nutrients from your blood to your cells. Moving the lymph filters wastes and helps kill pathogens. Many people have a stagnant lymphatic system, especially if you dont get regular exercise. On average there is 3 times more lymph fluid than blood in the body. Fenugreek sprouts open up the pores of the skin and move this fluid, excreting wastes and proteins through perspiration and the urine. You know the sprouts are working when you start to smell like maple syrup, which will excrete through your under arms, genitals and urine. This is a good sign!! It really just takes a small handful of sprouts for a few days in a row to do the job. My problem is that I love them so much I tend to eat too many at once. The fenugreek fragrance becomes especially aromatic after intensive exercise. The two are a great combination actually if you really want to clean out. Mucus Solvent and Anti-Inflammatory Fenugreek seeds are antiseptic and warming. It also has expectorant qualities and is used to ease coughs and sore throat. Fenugreek tea is used as a Blood builder and cleanser. These sprouts are also excellent for excess mucus or inflammation in the body because they are an expectorant, which helps to dissolve flem build up yet soothes inflamed tissue. It is a powerful antioxidant immune system, protecting against sickness and disease. Its mucilaginous and demulcent properties help to clear out congested lungs by softening build up and then dissolving accumulated cellular toxins. Fenugreek sprouts are good to eat for colds and flues, but I recommend you use it as a preventative before such conditions arise. Fenugreek It is a very incredible sprout that can rejuvenate and cleanse the body like no other sprout. In traditional folklore the seeds where described to cure every ailment under the sun. It is exception for conditions like IBS, constipation, inflammation and bronchial concerns. Helps with Diabetes and Heart Disorders Fenugreek and the sprouted seeds have been studied to regulate insulin levels and slow down the rate of blood sugar absorption. People with Type II diabetes have been shown to have low levels of sugar in their blood after consuming fenugreek daily for up to 6 months. Thus, it is considered helpful in controlling diabetes. For those with heart conditions associated with high cholesterol fenugreek sprouts naturally lower cholesterol. It contains lecithin and coenzyme Q10, which supports healthy cholesterol levels and increases HDL (high-density lipoprotein). Good for Weight Loss Fenugreek is rich in galactomannan, a polysaccharide that helps to give you a feeling of fullness and also has effects as an anti-inflammatory. This polysaccharide component is actually extracted to create supplements for weight loss. Fenugreek sprouts also contain: Whole fenugreek seeds have no aroma but once ground, they release flavor and sharp, spicy aroma. These seeds are very high in protein. 3.5 ounces (100 gms) of uncooked seeds supply 23 gms of protein. This is almost equivalent to the amount of protein found in a 3 -3.5 ounces serving of meat, fish or poultry. Lecithin Co-enzyme Q10 Linoleic acid 33.7% Linolenic acid 13.8% Mucilage 30% Lysine and isoleucine Folic acid 30% protein Choline How to Grow Fenugreek Sprouts Many people prefer to eat fenugreek sprouts when they are small, with or without leaves, or before their leaves turn green. This is usually around day 3-4 of sprouting. I really like to eat them around day 5 or 6 after greening them slightly in indirect sunlight. This causes photosynthesis to occur allowing the leaves to take in the sunlight energy. There is just a slight difference in taste, they become a little bit more pungent, but also contain chlorophyll. It is up to up however, you must experiment with what you like flavor wise. Learn how to sprout and blend fenugreek seeds with other varieties. See our sprouting guide for more on specific measurements for sprouting the seeds. Remember to always let your sprouts drain for at least 8 hours before placing them in the fridge in a glass jar with a lid. These sprouts are grown via the jar sprouting method as opposed to tray sprouting. Although, you can grow them like wheatgrass, growing the young leaves of fenugreek as opposed to just the sprouts. The leaves taste a bit like celery and are slightly more bitter. Onion sprouts - Onion sprouts have a flavor comparable to onions, but better. These long green mini-scallions make a delicious addition to any sprout salad combo. They take longer to grow, but are worth the wait! Super sprouting black onion seeds for onion sprouts has been a recent event in our super-food kitchen. After our rediscovery of broccoli sprouts, we decided to grow a couple jars of just plain onion sprouts instead of mixing them with other sprout seeds. The results were a very beautiful jar packed with tiny miniature scallions. These dainty, long sprouts are so adorable, bursting forth from their tiny black seeds, they are quite the sight to behold. They are officially my favorite looking sprout! They are also VERY tasty. They have a sweet, nutty onion flavor that is not overpowering, like onion can be, and they dont give you onion breath, like mature onions do, or make you cry. Eat them in smaller quantities. Sprouting Black Onion Seeds Onion sprouts are the micro shoots of an onion plant and do not grow roots like other sprout varieties. Allium is the Latin name for the plant family that includes garlic, leek and onions. Alliums grow slower than other sprouts, sometimes taking 10-15 days to mature into an edible sprout because of their slow germination process. But be patient, they are worth the wait! How To Sprout: Add 4T of seeds per quart mason jar. Rinse your seeds in filtered water. Soak overnight in water. Strain and rinse. Place jar tilted to the side in a container to catch any draining water and ensure air flow. Continue to rinse 1-2 times daily. Place in a sun lit window when greening your onion sprouts. It will take about 10-15 days before you get sprouts. Tip: Because these sprouts can not be de-hulled, when you let them grow over an inch the black seeds will become more tender. If you are a serious sprouter, onion sprouts are an essential sprout to include when blending seed mixes. It just takes a little bit of these black onion seeds to round out the flavor of your favorite sprout salad blends. You will, however, need to sprout them for about 5 days before adding them to other sprout mixes because they take a little longer to germinate. The black onion seeds themselves are very dignified and dark, like all of the Allium seed family. Sometimes they are hard to find from organic sources. So, just in case you need to buy conventional black onion seed, know that the use of chemicals on these seeds is very minimal. You just need to make sure they are coming from a non - GMO seed source. Onion seeds can take farmers years to establish, so for this reason they can be somewhat expensive when compared to other super sprouts. For black onion seed storage, it is good to store them in the freezer if you dont plan to use them within a year or so. Onion Sprouts - Nutritional Value: Onion sprouts are very nutritious being high in minerals and vitamins A, B, C, E and are 20% protein. They contain: calcium chlorophyll iron magnesium niacin phosphorus potassium amino acids They are super yummy with salads, raw food meals, soups or atop seed cheese, sprouted grain bread and raw crackers. Sunflower greens - One of the best super sprouts for minerals and quantity. Yielding thick, dense, tasty leaves, these sprout greens are sprouting up in kitchens across the globe. Sunflower is a gourmet taste delight grown from small, black, un-hulled sunflower seeds. They are a great source of lecithin which helps to break down amino acids. Sunflower (in shell) – sprout black ones as the shells fall off more easily and rinse well as they are prone to mould. As buckwheat, soak long and use a larger mesh, they get big! Ready in 10 days. Clover sprouts - similar in look and taste to that of Alfalfa, Clover sprout has blood tonic properties and is a great sprout for women, relieving hot flashes and menopausal symptoms. Clover (red) – like alfalfa but sharper taste and bigger leaves, ready in 6 days. Pea shoots - grown from any pea seed, these tasty sweet shoots are a must in sprout recipes where tender, robust greens are desired. Radish sprouts - Radish sprouts have dark green leaves with a touch of red, this sprout has a wonderful peppery taste. Radish is particularly high in antioxidants. Buckwheat greens - These beautiful tender greens can be added to a salad or used in replacement of the lettuce itself. A great texture and flavor, buckwheat is grown from the un-hulled dark buckwheat seeds, sprouted and grown on soil or hydrophonically. Buckwheat – actually a herb, likes light, warmth and wet. Needs to soak for 12 hours and a larger mesh or holes to root into than normal, use black unhulled seeds. The hulls are susceptible to mould so rinse well, ready in 10 days. Lentil Sprouts - can be germinated from any size or color lentil available, adding a nice pigment and high protein source to all sprout recipes and a delicious addition to the raw food diet. Cress - also called pepper grass, has a super spicy flavor similar to radish sprouts. It is a common addition to sandwiches in the United Kingdom, where it is grown and sold on flats year round. It is very similar in taste to that of wild watercress. Garlic – expensive, but just as good as the bulb for health and taste, but with less odorous after effects. Seed jackets don’t come off easily, just eat them! The first week will see little growth, ready in 12 days. Mustard – as you’d expect this tiny sprout is hot. Use the black type as it’s easier to grow. Too hot for mass consumption, better for spicing up other meals, ready in 6 days. Radish – hot, rinse well, ready in 6 days. Sunflower (in shell) – sprout black ones as the shells fall off more easily and rinse well as they are prone to mould. As buckwheat, soak long and use a larger mesh, they get big! Ready in 10 days. p u l s e s, g r a i n s , n u t s a n d b e a n s Best grown in bags, most of these sprouts are ready in 3 to 5 days. Sprouted beans and grains should be used as you would unsprouted, but with less cooking. Although sprouting increases nutrients and digestibility they are still essentially raw and eating large quantities regularly without cooking is not recommended. Smaller beans are easier to digest and can be eaten raw especially if you grow them long, light cooking is still advised for regular, mass consumption. Mung bean sprouts - Mung sprouts - sprouted from the green mung bean are a tasty treat to add to many recipes. Mung bean sprouts are commonly germinated as the crunchy, long, white sprouts, or the sprouted pea-like legumes with a dense texture and savory flavor. Rich in amino acids they are one of the most popular super sprouts in the world. If youve never had mung bean sprouts your in for a real treat. These crunchy, yet juicy tasting little legumes are the perfect protein food to add to many super-food meals. Because they are sprouted, they have the stored super-potent energy ready to sprout another mung bean plant. That means that we get that energy when we eat them! Many beans are hard as a rock, so you either need to cook them or sprout them. I find that the smaller the bean, the more I like it when it is sprouted rather than cooked. Bigger legumes like garbanzo, I prefer cooked rather than sprouted raw. Some people can handle them, but for me they just cause digestive troubles. They are so adorable looking, they remind me of tiny little pollywags ready to hatch. Ive been enjoying the instant energy buzz every time I eat them. And they always seem to digest VERY well, even when combine with nuts and seeds. I ate the on nut meat tacos last night.... super yum! Sprouting Mung Beans: 3/4C dried green mung bean Soak in a quart jar for 12 hours Strain with a sprout lid Continue the rinsing process every day They will be ready in about 2-3 days at 70 degrees It is good to try to remove some of the green hulls by soaking them in water and allowing the hulls to float to the top. Then you can skim them off easily. Otherwise, they are fine to eat and just add a little more fiber. When your mung bean sprouts are ready, they will have 1/4-1/2 inch roots coming out of their green bean body. One other thing you can do with your mung sprouts is dehydrate them, so you get a crunchy nut snack to munch on. They are delicious this way with a salt and some herbs and spices. Of course, dehydration will deplete the nutrients a little, but they will still retain a lot more than snacks, like popcorn, for example. Sprouted Green Mung Bean Nutrition Mung bean sprouts contain about 20% protein, with other vitamins like Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Amino Acids, and Vit A, B, C and E. They are a protein-rich food, as far as sprouts go, and a great way to get more protein into your diet, especially if you are mostly eating a vegan diet. They are also easy to add to many savory dishes because they seem to go with everything! Adzuki – cousin of the mung bean, crispy, use in salads sparingly, ready in 5 days. Kamut – this ancient grain is more nutritious and used the same way as wheat if you can find it. Sprout till the shoots are half the size of the berry, 4 days. Wheat – sprout this and use it to make sprouted breads, ready in 3-5 days.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 19:55:59 +0000

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