What to do with a bumper crop of courgettes?! Read on! Chances - TopicsExpress


What to do with a bumper crop of courgettes?! Read on! Chances are that if you defeated the slugs, watered well and have good soil in your pots or garden, then you have a bumper crop of courgettes in this hot summer we are having. Rejoice! Its not a problem! Fresh grated courgette is yummy in salads. 1. Keep picking. Dont let them get too big, or else the plant will stop producing them (its aim is to produce ripe seeds). 2.Freeze the surplus as you will wish to use it. Grated (very versatile) or sliced (good for savoury dishes like ratatouille, lasagne, casseroles, curries etc). Grated courgette is very easy to prepare and store (weigh and label the bag before you freeze it) and offers you much flexibility later. For sweet recipes think muffins or substitute for grated carrot in any recipe. Courgettes produce a delicate colour and very moist texture in a cake. Grated courgette makes an almost instant sauce for pasta, mixed with a soft cheese, and an excellent sauce base for something like veggie lasagne (add soft cheese, spinach etc). 3. When you really have had enough courgettes, let some grow to marrow size and enjoy it in recipes for marrow. Lots of good recipe ideas here: bbcgoodfood/user/3408541/collections
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 16:05:44 +0000

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