What to do with the movie, NOAH… I posted last night that I - TopicsExpress


What to do with the movie, NOAH… I posted last night that I needed to gather my thoughts, so here they are. (SPOILER ALERT!!!) The overall message of the movie is this: “IF there is a creator god, he is mean, and hands off, and never answers prayer.” It never says those words, but that is the unmistakable message that was sent. Everything “miraculous” in the movie appears to be of a magical nature, with no clear hand of God involved. The “cool” lines from the previews that were meant to lure Christians were intentionally deceptive in nature. For example, when the king and army come up against Noah at the ark, and the king basically says, “You think you can stand alone against me?” Noah responds, “I’m not alone.” Very cool line, right? No. He wasnt referring to God, but to the rock monsters that were helping his family build the ark. According to the movie, these rock monsters were angels that came to earth to try to help mankind after the Fall, but the mean creator god didn’t like that and cursed them to become rock monsters. Another cool line from the previews was when Methuselah told Noah that he must trust that the Creator speaks to him in a way he can understand. Great - except that in the movie, the Creator didn’t speak to Noah at all, but only gave him vague visions of death by water, then a flower blooming, and animals being saved aboard an ark. The dreams were so unclear that Noah concludes that mankind has lost its last chance, and the ark was meant only to perpetuate the innocent animals (which the movie portrays as evolving on the fifth and sixth days). There was much more that the movie intentionally misconstrued away from the message of Biblical history. So what are we to do with this movie? If you’re a Christian, don’t bother wasting your money or time on it. Apart from the intentional misleading away from the Bible, it wasn’t even enjoyable to watch from an entertainment standpoint. It basically ends with Noah conceding failure to wipe out the human race. If you are not a Christian or know very little of Genesis, and you see the movie, here’s the message of HOPE that the movie failed to portray. It’s true that God is a holy God of justice Who did judge the earth with a globe-restructuring flood. (And He will one day judge the world again by fire.) But in addition to His holiness, He is equally a God of love. He saved Noah’s family because the real Noah loved God and tried to obey Him, in a time when the rest of the world had completely rejected Him. God created humans as the jewel of Creation, to have dominion over the earth as His stewards. He loves us on a personal level and speaks to us in many ways today including His Word (the Bible), His Holy Spirit, people, and circumstances - (and for clarity sake, we can have assurance that if its truly from God, none of the other methods will ever contradict what He tells us in His Word). Yes God’s holiness has to punish sin, but His love compels Him to forgive and restore. So in light of our sin (wrongdoing - we’re all guilty of it), God did the only thing possible to satisfy both sides of His nature. He became one of us (Jesus), lived a perfect, sinless life (so He didn’t owe the penalty of judgment Himself), then died as a substitute for us, taking our death penalty. Then He conquered death, so we can have spiritual LIFE, and live forever with Him in heaven, rather than forever separated from Him in torment in hell. He offers this to anyone who will accept. The Bible gives us clear, assured instructions on how to accept His free offer of grace in the book of Romans, chapter 10, verses 9-10, and in Acts, chapter 2, verses 37-38. Although the message is found throughout the New Testament, these two passages summarize how He asks us to respond to His offer of forgiveness and adoption. If you don’t have a Bible, you can find the verses here. https://bible/bible/59/rom.10.esv and https://bible/bible/59/act.2.esv . If you’re brand new to the Bible, but want to learn more, start reading through the book of John to learn about Jesus, (and Genesis 1-9 to learn about Creation week through the Flood). God is not the mean, distant god that the movie Noah portrays. Neither is He a nice, fluffy god with no morality or backbone. The Creator God is a God of equal holiness and love - Who will judge sin, but Who also paved the way to save us from that punishment, and to have us enter into a close personal relationship with Him.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 15:54:55 +0000

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