What took years to incubate is gradually about to be hatched in a - TopicsExpress


What took years to incubate is gradually about to be hatched in a matter of 2 weeks. Upper Monday, 8th December 2014 is the day when our great Party, the PDP, will hold the Katsina State gubernatorial primary elections for the 8 of us. All things being equal, I will clinch the ticket of the party inshaa Allah. Reason being that I am the longest aspirant from all the 8 contestants that has been on the ground withstanding the might of Oga cockroaches hatred for 3 years plus and Katsinawa are not so fickle as to refuse to appreciate one that has been with them when they have all been deserted by those assaulting us now with their personal ambitions for relevance. This to them is more a business than a concern for our general well being. Katsina is not a laboratory for experiment and I hope they know that! Two, of the 4292 polling units in the 361 wards making our 34 local governments there is no polling unit that I have not changed somebodys life even if it is just one person! This is a record that only I have it! Three, I am the only living contestant among the hordes that sacrificed the little wealth he has to change others lives so much so that it is easy to believe that I can do more with your wealth in my care! Lastly, boko and wayo dont do politics and all the rest have these in abundance and everyone in Katsina knows this. You cannot come on the eleventh hour to seek to govern us with posters and billboards when you have nothing new to tell us! Anyway, this is not the reason for my message today! 8th December, 2014 will be the day my name will be on the ballot paper for the first time in history. That day I will know if Katsina appreciates love and that day I will know if Katsina pays love. As important as that day is to me it is by far more important to Ibrahim Shema. Though he is not on the ballot paper, his past and future are. His success on that day will determine our judgement vis a vis the future of Katsina state and PDP while his failure will clearly foretell how his life after government house will be. To achieve maximum outcome he will spare no effort to crush me, as I am his only problem not the others. No effort I believe will be spared on that day to achieve his aim. So make no mistake that 8th December will be a straight fight between Shema and Tata not Tata with Nashuni. Jokers available to him are the police and nothing but the police and everything about his game plan revolves around them! First he is committed to abusing all legal processes, something he is notoriously known for, by jettisoning the delegate list that he and his co conspirators with the tacit support of Celestine Omehia wrote ínside the government house and replacing his own hand picked delegates that are officially known by PDP HQ with SURE-P surrogates! By this plan, people not known to the Party will determine the future of Katsina and the Party on that day at no cost since they are already on the pay roll of SURE-P. The police will make this possible as the real delegates will be denied access anywhere near the election venue. Second game plan is to use the police and thugs to barricade all roads leading to Katsina to deny me and my supporters access to the venue as it is not part of the electoral conditions that I have to be at the venue for the outcome to be valid and acceptable! Final game plan is all those delegates will be given already filled ballot papers with Nashunis name on them to just cast into the box. That way Nashuni has won and for Katsina it will be another 8 years of the locusts! That is their plan and it can only succeed if you and I allowed it! Ummaru Musa could have succeeded in doing this in 2007 but then Shema is not Ummaru Musa and certainly Tata is not Masari that could just chicken out at the eleventh hour! That day is as important to me as it is Shema. I have withstood every humiliation that PDP government could mete out to me to just fall on that day. Shema has the police and Tata doesnt but I have what Shema doesnt have! People! On that day if Shema likes he can bring all the police in Nigeria to Katsina but I am going to be there inshaa Allahu. I am not only going to be there I am mobilising 1 million Katsinawa to escort me to the venue and stay with me till the result is made known. I am going to cry out for help from my fellow supporters in Kano, Jigawa, Kaduna and Zamfara to lend me a hand on that day! We are going to maintiain a day vigil within and around the venue until the outcome is clear to all of us! I can only lose under a fair circumstance where equal franchise and expression are given to me, other contestants and the voters. Anything short of that will not be acceptable and I dare Ibrahim Shema to try it! He has ruled Katsina his own way these past years and nobody said no. Time has come for him to realise that he cannot give us the life he wants out of government simply because he is the governor now! The future of Katsina is ours to determine and in this calculation he is a mere contributor not the determining factor as he erroneously thinks. If he can lend a hand for Katsina without Shema let him do it but if he cannot let him know that Katsina has born a son who can stand up against the servitude he wants to subject us! I therefore call on my fellow Katsinawa to know that we have been so womanlike for far too long to gratiate this man and he is not grateful I think time has come for us to be men once again! If you cannot help me pray for me for I will pursue this cause believing that GOD has created me free and Shema cannot keep me and my people in bondage just to bury his oozing malfeasance! The Katsina project is far greater than the pleasure of Shema and for Katsina I can do anything! This day is not for women and I plead with them to stay at home! Let us see how cockroaches are killed!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 00:32:04 +0000

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