What type of sower are you? Some hear but dont ....some receive - TopicsExpress


What type of sower are you? Some hear but dont ....some receive but it gets stolen because they still hold on to the devil and the ways of the world and not The Lords....some hear His commands and embrace and yearn to know more and become more obedient! So what type of sower of seeds in the form of The Lords messages and instructions to us....how do you plant these seeds into your life? The majority of the world run from The Most High and His commands...mainly because they look and live thru worldly eyes and not spiritual eyes which always look at the Godly intentions or motives of all that comes ones way. The majority being the pawns of the devil and the world then have an opinion or view of life that goes against the right way to live with your fellow man therefore they have a warped sense of reality and morality. In other words once we are consumed by our sinful ways and not the renewing promise of The Almighty to make us whole and new each moment we live thru His grace and completely humbling and surrendering to His way and commands then consuming ourselves in sin or one sin could only lead to becoming more comfortable in more sinful ways! Where am I going with this....I see people running from The Lord and embracing things of the world that stain a soul. Once they give in to it, they are then trapped in sin and end up pleasing themselves or some friend or relative hence...turning more away from The Almighty and sinking into a more lawless and u Godly life and way of thinking. So where can we draw the line? Dont let people who you know not by judging them but by their words and actions and intentions...they have shown you their true immoral colours, so please dont let these ones who serve only themselves and their weak motives, get to you with their words of hate and or ridicule...totally designed as a devilish lie to distract and steal you off a righteous path. That my friends is sadly their junky function on earth! To now crawl around trying to lead Gods chosen to temptation or even destruction. Dont allow them to set you off course and even when they gather and scheme and plot to attempt to reduce you ...remember what they try to do....reduce you meaning you are worth more than they are....reduce you so they can laugh in The Face of The One they run from bit cant. Cause He is everywhere! Stand up and use your energy to focus on whats right in The Most Highs sight and dont allow yourself to get caught up in idle talk and ways of the enemy. Stand up and use your energy for more important things than trying to prove to lost souls that empty hateful misleading words and ways or even worth your time and energy...and just giving them an ounce of yourself....is denying and taking for granted the Mighty Grace and Master we choose to serve....! I have been told I am self righteous and dont appear to be Christ like and some of my words and actions are questionable as a believer. I also was laughed at and even now being punished because according to them I have done to many people wrong and now they are gonna make me pay. It made me laugh because this person is now doing worse than I ever did but is consumed in their sinful ways so much so that they feel justified in playing God in my life and even that of pf my family but all I can do is pray for them and kill them with love and kindness cause thats what JAH has ordered me to do. The goal and purpose for our lives...is eternity in Heaven...in a Kingdom filled with true...pure ...and endless...unconditional Love....and I find so much joy in obeying and living that way cause my life is not my own....SELAH
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 19:39:31 +0000

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