What ur name means of Victoria has given you depth of mind and - TopicsExpress


What ur name means of Victoria has given you depth of mind and a studious, philosophical nature. You are interested in the deeper aspects of life and invariably are attracted to mystery, the occult, and religious concepts. You have a clever, quick, and analytical mind and you could enjoy and excel in music and drama, or along scientific and mathematical lines. You are a solitary person, reserved and sensitive. You seldom allow others to get too close until you are sure you will receive understanding. In matters of the heart, you must guard against jealousy and suspicion. Others find it a challenge to get to know you and although you want affection, friendship, and understanding, your aloof, shy qualities rebuff the attention of others. Because of the sensitivity of your nature, you are easily hurt and offended. You are constantly on guard for fear of being criticized or ridiculed. Even in being reprimanded, you tend to take a haughty attitude and refuse to be advised. You then feel misunderstood and lonely and your thoughts can become turbulent and despondent, occasionally morbid. If you feel that anyone is prying into your life, you try to steer conversations away from yourself. You do not find it easy to articulate your deeper thoughts and feelings; it is much easier for you to pen your thoughts. You could be very creative in composition or poetry. Although you would give anything to be spontaneous, fun-loving, and natural, your name makes you very serious and self-conscious instead. You are not the argumentative type, but you can admonish a person by saying nothing, your silent disapproval being felt by others. You love books, especially mysteries and romance. You find companionship in novels and can become so absorbed in your reading that you are unaware of what is going on around you. Your vivid imagination places you right in the story and even if someone calls you, you may not hear. You intensely love the outdoors and all the beauties of nature. A quiet walk in the outdoors, where you can listen to the sounds of nature, the wind in the trees, the lapping of water against a shoreline, the chirping of the birds, which become your companions, allow you to experience peace and freedom. The extreme sensitivity of this name and the inner turbulence that is often felt may create weaknesses affecting the nervous system, heart and lungs. Your Surname(s) The family name is the influence of your background, your home environment, the strengths and weaknesses, and the hereditary traits. The gibson family are versatile people. They are an expressive family, and while it is somewhat difficult for them to learn the theory of music and to discipline themselves to practice, they do have a natural sense of rhythm and harmony, and can inspire others with their musical ability or through drama. It is a happy, spontaneously active household, and although the members might give way to sudden verbal outbursts, they do not carry a grudge for long and are quick to forgive. Others are made to feel welcome in the home and hospitality is warmly extended. Their naturalness and genuine fondness for people draw many friends to them and they can mix easily in all strata of society and assume positions of trust. While they do possess many fine characteristics, they have difficulty finishing the things they start. They are emotional and could act on impulse and so make ill-timed moves. This surname creates a somewhat scattering, restless influence. While this family enjoys fairly good health, the name produces the desire for rich, sweet foods which overheat the bloodstream, creating skin conditions or liver problems. The surname wilson has created a family that is serious and responsible, yet friendly. Home life, standing among friends, and positions in the community are all very important to these people. They have respect for family traditions and full regard for their responsibility to their family and community. They have a natural ability for understanding others and putting them at ease. Adept at handling people, they are gracious hosts. They may be inclined, however, to live too much for association, and attract into their lives many people who have little to offer as friends, intellectually, or materially. Others often come to them for sympathetic understanding which they can count upon receiving. Members of this family must guard against becoming too involved personally with others, or becoming a party to gossip. Through their understanding of people, they can often give very good advice to others, yet they lack the determination and self-confidence to apply their advice to themselves. Procrastination results over hesitation in making decisions and taking positive action. Under such circumstances they worry excessively. They are not inclined towards physical or manual labour, preferring instead to work in a responsible administrative position where they have contact with people. Because there is appreciation for refinement and culture in this family, they try to have in their homes the finer and better things. Weaknesses in the health could cause worry and conditions relative to the fluid functions of the body; for example, kidney and bladder disorders, poor circulation, varicose veins, or obesity. Your Combined Names(s) Create Your Destiny Your combined names show your desires, long-term ambitions, and accomplishments. Your combined names, Victoria gibson, give you the desire for security and a settled life with system and order in your affairs, but create a destiny of hard work in a limited environment in which there is little opportunity for congenial association or pleasant diversions. You are forced to start over from the bottom time and time again, with little reward for your efforts, thus your ideals and ambitions are frustrated. Weakness in your health could affect your digestive and eliminative organs, as well as the extremities, particularly the head. The combined names of Victoria wilson give you the desire for stability and settled conditions, and for an orderly life free from turmoil and confusion. Unfortunately, they cause you to give far more than you receive, and show that those things and people that mean the most to you could be taken out of your life. Your kindness and your endeavours to help others are taken advantage of, and you are led into emotional situations and involvements detrimental to your personal happiness. These names attract losses in business through the dishonesty or delinquency of others, and in personal affairs through tragedy, separation, or divorce. Highly emotional conditions come into your life presenting many obstacles to be overcome, and creating resentment and inner turbulence from frustration. As a result, you could suffer from tension affecting your entire nervous system. Full Legal Name Your combined names of Victoria Olive Diane Gibson are not conducive to a full and complete life, as they do not bring opportunities to achieve the goals that you strive for. These names give you the desire for creative expression, and understanding in your association with people, but frequently you are in positions where you feel separate from others and experience aloneness and misunderstandings. You are over-sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others to the point where you wonder where your thoughts come from. These names tend to cause a degree of mental and emotional instability, such as confusion, fears, and phobias. You could also be subject to respiratory problems. Your Middle Name(s) Middle names do not affect your personality unless you are called by your middle name on a regular basis. If you use your middle name to any degree, you need to redo your Name Report and enter your middle name as a Most Used Name so it will be analyzed with your current surname. If you use your middle name in your business signature it would affect your business conditions. Click here to change or modify your Name Report Your Nickname(s) The name of vicky is not a constructive influence because of the sensitivity and aloneness created by the use of it. Your verbal expression is accordingly repressed, making you feel self-conscious and secretive. In an effort to find relaxation and peace of mind you turn to nature and find enjoyment in just being out-of-doors, and also in reading and writing. This name is not conducive to good health as it creates a weakness in the heart, lungs, and bronchial organs causing asthma and shortness of breath. There is also a fluttering sensation in the solar plexus when you feel self-conscious or nervous. Your name of blaze gives you a strong sense of responsibility, and you are very capable and reliable. You do not like to ask advice and always appear to have everything under control. You are very straightforward in your manner of speech and believe in being honest. This name gives you a serious nature and you could be inclined to worry or cross your bridges before you come to them. You see the needs of others and have a desire to help, but you are often considered interfering. Although the name does produce some fine qualities, it is not altogether constructive in its influence as it robs you of softness and finesse in your manner. You try to avoid any situation which requires you to express the deeper side of your nature. In the health, you could suffer with a weakness affecting the senses of the head. The name of passion has given you a refined and idealistic nature with many fine characteristics, but it has not allowed you the true expression of your purpose because of over sensitivity and inability to express your thoughts and feelings. Yours is a dual nature; you can be expressive, spontaneous, and the life of the party at times, but a questioning glance or thoughtless remark can cause you to turn within yourself to become quiet and aloof, creating a reserve which cannot be penetrated. Thus the fact that people never know how to approach you creates misunderstandings and hurt feelings. There is a depth of thought created by this name, a questioning, reflective and meditative nature interested in religion and philosophy. You enjoy music and literature and could be expressive through the creative arts or along literary lines—both in prose and poetry. The weaknesses of this name affect you through a sensitivity in the heart, lungs, and bronchial organs as well as skin problems.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 18:41:49 +0000

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