What use is this report to the people of Britain who are suffering - TopicsExpress


What use is this report to the people of Britain who are suffering at the hands of an ideological and brutal government whose ministers sit and laugh uproariously as they hear about the deaths and trauma people have experienced from the bedroom tax alone ? The country has the tragic misfortune to have a government that abuses power,one that inflicts unheard of and unprecedented harm on its own people. Today parliament debated food banks* The church has not been with the sufferers over the last 4 and a half years of this political terrorism and now is assisting in the ideology of removing the state and using the 3rd sector , charity and food banks to dole out a lottery of luck to support the starving,the mentally despairing,the sucidal,the worker who is living hand to mouth,the carer and the disabled,threatened by ATOS,the DWP and the job centres. We want a civilised country where the church does not condone by compliance the use of Victorian methods to deal with poverty. We want a morally rich leadership in the UK parliament ,not one that greedily lusts after profit and will go to any lengths to achieve it. Including the ruination and loss of our peoples lives. The Report of the All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Hunger in the United Kingdom Motion for debate *The following motion has been tabled for debate: That this House notes that the number of people using food banks according to the Trussell Trust has increased from 41,000 in 2009-10 to 913,000 in 2013-14, of whom one third are children; recognises that over the last four years prices have risen faster than wages; further notes that low pay and failings in the operation of the social security system continue to be the main triggers for food bank use; and calls on the Government to bring forward measures to reduce dependency on food banks and tackle the cost of living crisis, including to get a grip on delays and administrative problems in the benefits system, and introduce a freeze in energy prices, a national water affordability scheme, measures to end abuses of zero hours contracts, incentives for companies to pay a living wage, an increase in the minimum wage to £8 an hour by the end of the next Parliament, a guaranteed job for all young people who are out of work for more than a year and 25 hours-a-week free childcare for all working parents of three and four year olds.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 22:33:02 +0000

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