What was in your heart in 2014? Was it full of joy, forgiveness - TopicsExpress


What was in your heart in 2014? Was it full of joy, forgiveness and thanksgiving? Or was it fear, anger, bitterness, resentment? I know right, your basically a good person and really don’t want to feel these not so fun emotions – but you do. Did you spend most of this past year in the dark? Couldn’t wait for it to be over and start fresh with some new light for the future new year! You must first find or access the light, then turn on the light in order to see in or through the dark! When I talk to people who really don’t like Christians or hate me because I want to help them not feel bad anymore, many feel they don’t need God at all. Why? Because its not very common for people to believe that they are inherently bad. Instead, peoples logic often goes like this: Yes, I occasionally do bad things, we all do, but Im a good person. We can always fake people out with our actions and our words. It really not so much about what we do or don’t do – as it is what’s your thoughts and in your heart each day. Although it may be tempting to give yourself credit as being a good (or, in Biblical lingo, being righteous at heart). Such a view of human nature is at odds with what God reveals in his word. God makes it very clear that every one of us is actually bad. We dont just do bad things; we are bad. This isn’t revealed to us so we can always feel bad, it is so we might want to seek Him and find the light! The ironic thing is many of us chose to stay in a place of feeling bad, because like me – we refused to seek or face the truth once light is turned on or shining on us. This is a bummer – why am I still reading this? Because you really want to be good and to do good - most of us do. Paul says that because of our sin every one of us falls short of Gods radiant splendor and glory (Romans 3:23) 23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Last year did you ever feel that God wasn’t with you? That when life became tough and darkened God abandoned you? These feeling are common - even to Christians. However, you must not rely on feelings; instead, you must rely on faith, knowing that God is always there—you just may not always be able to see him in your circumstances. Thats why faith is so important. What can we do in 2015 to make it a BANNER year? Have Faith! It’s is a great place to start! Faith is the ability to see God in the dark. You must first find or access the light, then turn on the light in order to see in or through the dark! Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. For example, if a family member dies, you may understandably question whether or not God could possibly be with you during such difficult times. However, by faith, you can be certain of what (you) do not see—certain that God was there watching over the whole situation. Romans 4:19-21 describes how Abraham had faith even though it looked like God could never do what he said he would: Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarahs womb was also dead. He did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. Even within his dark circumstances, Abraham could still see God—he had faith. Thats the same type of faith to which God is calling you and me. Now that you are considering to seek him with your faith, let’s work on some those ugly emotions we sometimes allow. The one (most damaging), emotion that tend to overtake us all is unforgiveness. When this is in our heart it tends to affect us physically and spiritually. Unforgiveness, later affects your relationships with everyone around you; our family, friends and colleagues. In 2015 to win the battle over unforgiveness, start of by trying this: #1 We must realize the extent of the forgiveness Christ offers us through the cross. Since you were powerless to repay God for the sins you have committed in your life, it’s unfair for you to refuse the forgiveness of others. #2 Forgive a debt. Wipe it clean for someone! Forgiveness involves mentally bundling up all our hostile feelings and surrendering them to Christ. #3 We must accept others as they are and trust God to supply all we need. People shouldn’t have the power to make or break our day by how they treat us. When we decide to forgive as an act of the will, we absolve others of any responsibility to meet our needs. #4 We must view relationship with others as a means of growth in our lives. We learn more about God and His kingdom when we go through difficult seasons. If we are not with pride, He can use any situation to bring us closer to Him and refine our character. #5 We must make reconciliation. If we have avoided someone due to the hostility we felt, we need to reestablish contact. We may have to begin by apologizing. Once we have forgiven, reconciliation will be much easier. Several things occur once the forgiveness process is complete. First, our negative feelings will disappear. We will not feel the same way when we run into these people on the street or in the office. All harsh feelings will be replaced by feelings of concern, or empathy, but not resentment. Second, we will find it much easier to accept the people who may have hurt us without feeling the need to change them/tell them/pointing out to them. We will be willing to take them just the way they are. Once the blinders of resentment have been removed from our eyes, we will have a new appreciation for their situation and motivations. Third, our concern about the needs of other individuals will outweigh our concerns about what they may have done to us. Instead of concentrating only on ourselves, we will be able to see our offenders as people with legitimate needs of their own. You can experience liberty from old wounds that now hold you in bondage. When the Holy Spirit reminds you of those who need your forgiveness, dont ignore His still, small voice 1 Kings 19:12. 12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. Get out of your own darkness, seek and turn on the light, find the courage and strength to face the past, and willingly release others from the emotional debts you might feel they owe you. Only then will you know genuine freedom from bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness. God Bless You – Have a Happy and Productive New Year PB
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 18:00:09 +0000

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