What was that all about? is no doubt what many Israelis are - TopicsExpress


What was that all about? is no doubt what many Israelis are asking themselves about the Gaza offensive if their approval of Netanyahu is any indication. His approval plunged from over 80% into the 30s with a 17% drop in the last 4 days. Israeli support for the attack against Gaza was extremely high, so its likely many felt it did not go far enough, and after so much bloodshed - 97% Palestinian but in the final hours a 4 year old Israeli girl - they are back at the status quo ante bellum. Hamas amazingly remains both in power and able to launch rockets and mortar attacks. Without superpower support, with no navy, air force, iron dome, or even power for much of the offensive, the Palestinian leadership was able to stay intact, maintain command and control, and continue to put out rounds. Israel destroyed some times and many more schools, hospitals, clinics, and homes, but paid for those gains. Israel clearly has the capacity and will to kill over 60 Palestinians for every Israeli but for the asymmetry in body count there seems an offsetting asymmetry in tolerance of pain. Under siege and occupation for decades, the Palestinians have little to lose by resisting. The Israelis, on the other hand, as a far wealthier country with freedom of mobility, a functioning medical system, more than enough to eat, large homes, and an economy heavily dependent on tourism, feel the pain of every rocket even if most fall harmlessly. We are far from the 1948 when 10% of the tiny population of Israel died in its war for independence. Today the loss of only .001% of the population is enough to make some Israelis war weary. Palestine does not have to win; they simply dont have to lose. For Netanyahu to appear victorious, it is not enough for him to stop most rockets - he must stop them all. My hope is that with time ordinary Israelis see that this is no way to live. Rabin stumbled upon something in the 90s. The borders were open, there were no suicide bombings, there was the real beginning of a de facto if not de jure Palestinian state. Living behind a wall, jumping at your own shadow, knowing that the international community scorns you and your neighbors hate you is just not sustainable over time. And if American support falters, if US taxpayers arent as willing to write $3 billion checks to finance the next military romp into Gaza or crackdown in the West Bank, then Israel will have no choice but to sit down and talk, ending almost half a century of occupation, even if they have to do so through gritted teeth.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 02:46:37 +0000

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