"What we want is not to talk about Punjabi, Sindhi, Pathan or - TopicsExpress


"What we want is not to talk about Punjabi, Sindhi, Pathan or Balochi. Yes, there are units, there are provinces. But I ask you, have you forgotten the lesson that Islam taught us thirteen centuries ago? And I think you will agree with me, that whatever else you may be or whatever you are; you are a Muslim; that you have now carved out a territory, a vast territory; it is all yours. It does not belong to a Punjabi or a Pathan or a Sindhi; It’s yours! You have got your central government where every unit and every province is represented. Therefore, if you want to build up yourself into a nation and get rid of this poison, for God’s sake give up provincialism. You are only voicing my sentiments and the sentiments of millions of Musalmaans, when you say that Pakistan should be based on pure foundations of social justice and Islamic socialism. Brotherhood, equality, fraternity of man; these are all the basic points of our religion, culture and civilization. And we fought for Pakistan because there was danger of denial of these human rights in the sub-continent. After all, the story of Pakistan and its struggle and achievements is the very story of great human ideals, struggling to survive in the face of great odds and difficulties." -Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He knew... He knew exactly what we needed to let go of. Lets work on ourselves to be more tolerant, to be more understanding and to not create further divide between ourselves. Lets work on patience, tolerance and peace for the next 365 days and try to create a nation out of individuals. Baby steps... Its all it takes! Pakistan Zindabad...
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 12:28:19 +0000

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