What went wrong in Preity Zinta-Ness Wadias relationship The - TopicsExpress


What went wrong in Preity Zinta-Ness Wadias relationship The love story She was a top actress, he was a top businessman. Both of them met, cupid struck and it was a beginning of a fairytale romance but not all love stories have a happy ending and some even take an ugly turn. Thats exactly what happened with Preity Zinta and Ness Wadia. In February 2005, Preity Zinta opened up about her relationship and made it public that she is dating Ness Wadia. The couple made many public appearances after then, from walking hand in hand to attend Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rais wedding in Mumbai to Ness throwing a surprise birthday bash for Preity. In 2008, they took their relationship to another level and bought Kings XI Punjab team of Indian Premier League together. Everything looked picture perfect , apart from Nesss mother Maureen Wadias comment on their relationship. She said, I dont care even if Ness gets married to a zebra. Twist in the tale First blow in their relationship was reported in 2009, when there were news of Ness slapping Preity at a party. A few months after that the couple broke up but never spoke publicly about their split. It looked a mutual decision as both of them continued to be business partners, co-owning the IPL team, and had a cordial relation. In 2013, in a magazine interview, Preity talked about her breakup for the first time and confirmed that she is still friends with Ness. She said: Today, Ness and I are still partners in our IPL team... we are friends. This season of IPL had been very good for their team Kings XI Punjab and all focus was on the team and its performance rather than the two of them. How it went all ugly On June 13, 2014, Preity Zinta filed a complaint against Ness Wadia accusing him of molestation, threats and abuse. In her complaint, Preity Zinta states that she has known Ness Wadia for the past 10 years and had a relationship with him, adding for some time we have ended our relationship. Although we are the co-owners of our team Kings XI Punjab, but we are no longer in a relationship and only talk for professional reasons and work. The complaint continues explaining that for some time now, the duo have not been speaking, and have had a couple of heated arguments regarding work. During that time he tried to abuse me and used extremely derogatory language and tried to behave in a manner where I was put to shame in front of my colleagues, friends and family. Zinta states that she had orally (sic) warned him several times but has been repeatedly been embarrassed by his continuing behaviour towards her, especially in public. I say that Ness Wadia has gone to the extent of threatening me with dire consequences and intimidating me by boasting of his political clout and connections. She explains that during the match on 30th May, 2014 at Wankhede Stadium in the evening Mr Ness Wadia had intimidated me by saying that he could make me disappear as I was a nobody and only an actress and hes a powerful person. I say that I have been tried to be very normal and nice to him as I wanted peace in my life, but the recent afore-stated incident in Mumbai at the Wankhede stadium has left me shattered and fear for my life. Explaining why she waited so long to lodge the complaint, she states that she immediately lodged a verbal complaint with the BCCI officials, maintained her calm, as her team had qualified for the finals and she did not want a spat between co-owners to impact the morale of the team. A source close to Preity Zinta says, Ness Wadia shockingly grabbed Preitys hand and started to abuse her in front of everyone present, all of whom are witness to the incident. Ness not only grabbed her arm but also used extremely abusive language and is said to have been very derogatory and abusive in the past, in his interactions with others as well. The BCCI officials calmed her down after the episode. Preity has remained silent and gracious and not spoken about Ness in the last five years. The humiliating episode at Wankhede was the last straw and Preity decided to file a complaint as soon as the IPL was over. Whats more shocking is that though the incident played out in public view, no one took a stand or came to support or help her at a time like this. As a girl, Preity went through this humiliating ordeal alone. But being the strong woman she is, Preity decided to lodge a complaint. The police are currently investigating the matter. Ness denies the charges Ness Wadia released a statement through his publicist, Naveen Soni, saying he was shocked at the complaint and that the allegations made against him were totally false and baseless. Preity Zintas Facebook statement In a Facebook post, Preity explained her reasons behind filing the case against Ness Wadia: From my heart... I may not be super wealthy and powerful but i have truth by my side and Ive worked very hard all my life and tried to earn respect for myself as a self made professional. It saddens me that no one at work or around ever stood up for me in the past when i was abused and insulted publicly. This time i was left with no option but to take this stern step as this incident happened in front of way too many people. Sometimes we are so ashamed and humiliated that we fool ourselves to believe that no one saw what happened . Everyone always looks away as if they dont exist or then we dont exist. People are embarrassed just enough to look away, but not too embarrassed to intervene. Ironically what happened at Wankade is being diluted by every other fabricated story about my character except the truth of what happened. Im sure the witnesses will speak the truth and i trust and believe that the police will do their job fairly and quickly. No woman likes to be involved in a controversy like this which makes her open and vulnerable for all to take a dig at. I have worked for over 15 years in the film industry and have never been subject to such humiliating behaviour and for that i really want to thank all the men that worked with me. Through all our highs and lows my head was always held high. Every human being has a limit to how much they can take ; some of us foolishly call it strength and try to look ahead focusing on the positives of work and life. All these years i have never said anything about him in the media but now i have no choice. I humbly request the media and my supporters to pls focus on the issue and the incident that happened in Wankade and not turn this and me into a TV soap. This is not easy for me and my intention is not to harm anyone but simply to protect myself and to stand up for myself. I dont want any sympathy from anyone but i will sincerely appreciate it if people do not try to take away my dignity in the process of my fight for respect at my workplace. I think after all these years i deserve it and Im not asking for too much. Thank you Meanwhile, police is investigating the case and will record Preity Zintas statement.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 10:49:37 +0000

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