What were your thoughts on the WWE debut of Sting? Given - TopicsExpress


What were your thoughts on the WWE debut of Sting? Given Undertaker debuted at Survivor Series, do you see this as a way to set up a match between the two at Wrestlemania? Sting’s WWE debut at Survivor Series was epic and took a fairly forgettable show (even with two title changes) and made an iconic memory that will be remembered for decades to come. While we had a good indication Sting was in fact going to debut in the hours before the pay-per-view, we didn’t know how or when. I believe it was a success on multiple levels. First, Sting was thrust right back into the main event — which isn’t a given for anyone that’s not a “WWE-made name” and second, he helped provide a resolution to The Authority’s unstoppable dominance. One of my biggest criticisms about the on-air roles of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon is they haven’t taken their knocks, being able to do whatever they want whenever they want. Even when Steve Austin was programmed with Vince McMahon in the heyday of the Attitude Era, Vince took his fair share of knocks. The Authority was booked far too one- sided for far too long. Bringing Sting back to “take them down” provided a resolution along with getting Sting on WWE TV. As for Sting at Wrestlemania 31, he now appears “likely” for the show and based on what happened at Survivor Series, it looks like Triple H is his possible opponent. A match against Undertaker is what Sting desires, however, why would they tease Hunter-Sting and not do it? This will be a situation worth following but Sting is with WWE for one last hurrah and that’s exciting.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 16:19:02 +0000

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