What will a desperate Museveni do if he is not stopped by local - TopicsExpress


What will a desperate Museveni do if he is not stopped by local pressure and if necessary military intervention from the international community? It is important for decision makers, diplomats, and the wider Uganda public to know whom they are dealing with. If we are not careful, Museveni’s psychiatric condition will worsen as the political pressure leading to 2006 mounts, the man will start doing crazy things like burning Uganda’s historic sites and building like how the Roman Emperor Nero, who was mad, ordered the burning of Rome! The sequence of Museveni’s strange decision and erratic public statements is convincing many Ugandans that Museveni could be clinically mad. How can a normal man who is educated tell the authorities to cut down Mabira forest to clear land for “investors” when he knows how this will upset the environment and climate? A confidential report from British intelligence cabled to London on 27 Oct 2005 outlined Musevebi’s deteriorating mental condition and said “He has a veracious appetite for all kinds of pleasures and the instincts of a killer untroubled by remorse. He can be engagingly charming one moment, and ruthlessly destructive the next. Someone affected by hypomania sleeps little and is ceaselessly physically active. “Many people are still puzzled by what happened at the High Court buildings in Kampala on Wednesday 16 November 2005 when 30 armed men wearing black T-shirts and camouflage trousers entered the compound of the Court and besieged it in front of a crowd of onlookers, diplomats, journalist, and supporters of Colonel Kizza Besigye. Many equated it with the adduction of the late Chief Justice Benedicto Kiwanuka at the same High Court buildings in 1972 by unknown men. Who abducted Kiwanuka? Was it Idi Amin’s soldiers? Read this document after which the High Court incident in November 2005 will make sense and add up. We appeal to Museveni’s staff and aides, ministers, army commanders and others around him to take maximum caution. Museveni might be unbalanced mentally but he is also very cunning. He knows that his aides and close ministers and commanders are the same people who will be testifying against him once he is overthrown or is no longer in power. We appeal to these people in Museveni’s inner circle to take maximum caution because at this rate he is going to start bumping them off one by one to silence them. It is not Kiiza Besigye who is in danger from Museveni. It is Museveni’s own inner circle. This is the most dangerous time in Uganda since 1966! This intelligence briefing issued as a national duty to help Ugandan voters, political parties and the international community make the appropriate decisions. Millions of people even many of the leaders in the DP, FDC, UPC do not yet really understand whom they are dealing with. It is a horrifying story of a cunning mind that ruled Uganda for 20 years. Material for this dossier on Museveni has been sourced from newspaper archives in the Library of Congress, the British Library, websites, a number of information within the state security agencies in Uganda, academic publications and books, and a number of contacts in Uganda, Sincerely we want to thank in particular the stall of the British Library who have been helpful in locating reference documents.3.168) “Those who said of their brethren whilst they (themselves) held back: had killed. Say: then avert death from yourselves if you speak the truth.”---The Holy Qur’an MUSEVENI’S ORIGINS Museveni’s origins are mysterious. Many versions of where he was born and his true nationality are claimed. Those who know him view the vague picture surrounding his origins as deliberately created. He one time said that he was born in Mbarara hospital and does not know his exact date of birth. That was in Mbarara in 1992, April. But later he changed and said it was Ntungamo! This ignorance of his exact birth date is not typical of a man who otherwise boasts of having an incredible memory and ability to recall events that many people have forgotten. You see, this unclear picture of Museveni’s origin comes from the stigma that Rwandese and Ugandans of Rwandese origin have been subjected to. Yoweri Kayibanda, a.k.a, Rutabasirwa was born around 1943 in Butare, Rwanda. Let him stop lying us that he was born in Uganda! The most informed sources who have known Museveni since his early child hood insist that he and his mother, the late ester Kokundeka, came to Uganda from Butare town where he was born around April 1943. One of these sources Gertrude Byanima the wife of Biniface Byanyima, the wife of Boniface Byanyima, the national chairman of the Democratic Party says Museveni came to Uganda as a child from Rwanda. He spent part of his early teenage life in the Byanyima family home in Mbarara town in western Uganda. Byanyila used to pay Museveni’s school fees or at least part of it. Let him deny it! One time when she was speaking to party supporters at her home in Mbarara on 2 March, 1996, Mrs. Byanyima Said: “ Museveni is just like us here. He came here at 16 and it’s us who brought him up. He was never a good academic performer. The cupboard you see there was Museveni’s library. When you check in it you’ll find his books, a lot on Imperialism, with his former names Yoseri Tubuhaburwa.” When Byanyima claimed that Museveni “came here at 16”, it was not so clear whether she meant that Museveni came to Uganda at the age of sixteen or that he first visited the Byanyima home at that age. After she made that claim, some of Gertrude Byanyima’s children Martha, Winnie, Abraham, and Anthony wrote a joint letter where by they apologised to Museveni for any embarrassment caused to him by their mother’s claim. But mark you, they did not specifically refute or question the substance of what she said! Gertrude Byanyima referred to Museveni as “Yoseri” rather than “Yoweri” and said those were his original names. It should be noted that during his university days, Museveni used the initial”T” from a name Tibuhaburwa he had given himself. In full, it comes from the Runyankore expression “Obwengye Tibuhaburwa”, meaning intelligence is natural born, not learned. In a thesis which he wrote in 1971 titled Fanon’s theory on violence: its verification in liberated Mozambique, the author gave his by line as “By Yoweri T. Museveni.” Many people from western Uganda hold this same view of Museveni’s Rwandese roots and among them are the Banyarwanda of western Uganda or the Rwandese refugees who lived for forty years in Uganda before returning to Rwanda in 1990
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 01:42:21 +0000

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