What with all the destabilising manoeuvres taking place on the - TopicsExpress


What with all the destabilising manoeuvres taking place on the world stage: the so-called attacks in France, and Belgium, Russia both forcing the issue over the gas pipelines, and accepting currency other than the petrodollar for its oil and gas (never forget that Russia has enormous natural resources, it is a sleeping giant in those terms, or perhaps merely a dozing restlessly giant), Switzerland de-coupling from the Euro, the Chinese who own a majority share of Americas debt, as well as most of the worlds gold. Despite all these things and countless more (the political distractions, that are unquestioningly intended to occupy the minds of those who like to join dots together, and might, were they left to their own devices, actually manage to come up with some serious alternatives), most of us are still missing the point to a large extent. Even if, and I say if intentionally, 15 people lost their lives in France, even if (again a deliberate if) hundreds or thousands of lives have been needlessly snuffed out in false flag attacks all over the western world, these numbers pale when compared to the numbers who have been murdered in what we used to call the third world, but which we must now call the developing world (although there is the obvious question: developing into what precisely?). Nigeria, Kashmir, South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia (need I go on?). These are all major killing fields, and they are only the tip of the ice-berg. Do we forget the fact that our brothers and sisters in these strife-torn regions are suffering in ways we can hardly even begin to imagine? Sometimes I feel that we do, or when forced to remember we feel helpless in the face of all that horror and destruction. Again the master game-players (those pesky elites) spin all this into a cautionary tale for us to swallow whole, without critical analyses. Bad as things are here… we think, … at least it isnt as bad as it is over there. So we are lead, like cattle, to the conclusion that we should trust those who endlessly prove they cannot be trusted, to save us, to protect us, to allow us our privileges and our toys. Then, and this cannot be stressed enough, since the truth is that the elites will never feel enough is enough. That realisation is beyond them it seems. We would care enough to take pity, perhaps. But they are not like the rest of us, they are small in number and their only power is that which we grant them through our unthinking compliance. They cannot be anything other than scared to death of the power we represent. The power to turn away from them, and to simply say NO MORE! So, they have another weapon in their arsenal. They threaten us with less. With poverty, which is what we, in the west, fear more than bullets or bombs. They threaten to take away the crumbs they grant us (with such noblesse oblige) so that we will have to scrape for our living, without a new car every five years, without a couple of holidays every year, without our satellite TV, our mobile smartphones, our laptops, our tablets, our designer wardrobes, our mass-produced jewellery, our shinny shinny things. In the face of loss like that is it any wonder that we quake with fear, simper in terror at all we have to lose? (Forgive my sarcasm.) Have we forgotten that those things are made by us (wherever in the world those we can call us live and work). They are designed by us, manufactured by us, developed by us, distributed by us. They are not simply desired by us and bought by us. They are the fruits of our energy - spent as labour. We spend our lives making other people rich, and they never say a word to thank us for it, let alone share the wealth in any meaningful way. That again is beyond them. Our course should be clear. We should simply snub the elites, recognise that they never have and never will be working in our best interests, and ignore their demands upon our time and our liberty. If you feel we need a medium of exchange then invent one! Why not? After all the currencies we use now are simply inventions. They are not backed by anything other than our energy (as labour if nothing more). That energy will remain as long as we draw breath, so what would really be the difference between one fiat currency, dreamed up with the intention of controlling us, and another, dreamed up to liberate us. We can do this. We can. We can issue as much as is needed (7 billion human beings worth of energy and more each day). There is no shortage of labour, nor is there any shortage of work that needs to be done. Look around you, it is apparent everywhere what needs to be done is it not? There is only a lack of will, an illusion of scarcity used to prevent those needed works from being done. It is our time to turn. Our time to turn it all around, and should we look back some years down the line and see no change has come about for the better, then who else do we have to blame but ourselves? So turn... Rant over :) Enjoy the song (I wrote it a while ago, but it fits with the topic!)
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 23:56:13 +0000

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