What wonderfully soft and emotionally gentle cards for this - TopicsExpress


What wonderfully soft and emotionally gentle cards for this week... Last week was a little harsh - for me at least. Harsh energy, harsh lessons, harsh prodding from the past which I allowed until I remembered last weeks message about letting go of old habits for our highest good. The first card is Archangel Ariel whose energy imbues our second chakra - the sacral chakra. This chakra is the seat of our intimacy and creativity. So the message for this week is to really get creative, even more than you usually are. Really listen to the inspiration coming from within you and allow yourself to try new things, things that will open your horizons up and take you in directions which may surprise even you. Allow this adventure and spontaneity. Allow your inner child to guide your older, more cautious self to activity which will bring you alive more than you remember you can be :-) Also be prepared for your emotional intimacy with others AND yourself to flow more freely this week. Those who truly resonate with who you are will be prominent in your life as you let those who are out of step with your way-making to step back and away from your path. Those in a relationship may enjoy new ways of connecting with their kindred human/spirit emotionally, and physically, too. The Waters of Life card is here to remind you these waters hold all ancient wisdom which is there for you to recover and explore. This is a week for such reawakening. The universe does not withhold information, it is always there. It is up to us to seek it, uncover it, remember it, and integrate it with our lives. This card also depicts a swan on the water...she signifies going with the flow and remembering that life is precious and sacred so focus on this even if things feel stagnant, or have been feeling stagnant lately. As you seek truth and understanding, these will find you. The universe will bring to you that which you actively seek. Keep your emotions fluid, dont get stuck on anything which challenges you, and notice how the Cosmic wisdom courses through you, opening you to all the wonder and possibilities of life. Our third card this week is Flowers. Even if this card personally does not denote for you a career choice or life purpose, this card is here for all of us this week to remind us to take pleasure in plant life and appreciate all to do with blooms and blossoming. For some people Spring is on its way, for others of us Autumn/Fall is upon us. I always delight in the beautiful array of colours in the leaves, which to me are visually as fragrant as blossoms which impress our olfaction. Spend time in your garden, tend to your house plants or flowerboxes, use floral scents throughout your day, or pay attention to any scent which comes to you...it might be a passed loved one saying hello :-) Flowers and plants can open your creative channels, heal you physically (think herbs/spices, and superweeds), or emotionally with their aesthetics. Allow any attraction and connection to specific flowers and plants...these are the ones you need in your life right now...and you will know for what purpose if you listen to your Inner Oracle. You may give flowers as a gift, or receive them. Whenever flowers appear in your life this week remember our connection to all that is living...indeed, all that is . Enjoy life, create and explore, and rememder to stop and smell the roses ;-) Have a blossoming, blessed week Oracle Owls
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 20:16:38 +0000

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