What would YOU think about having a job where you essentially get - TopicsExpress


What would YOU think about having a job where you essentially get paid to stay in shape, live a healthy life and get to help OTHERS do the same? Do I have your attention? If so...keep reading! Are you looking for a second job or supplemental income to help stay on top of expenses, looking for an opportunity to feel inspired daily in your life, want an extra hobby to focus on in your free time or even a complete and total career shift? An opportunity that goes perfectly hand-in-hand with counseling psychology?! If so...keep reading! When I took the first step and reached out to my gorgeous friend Stephanie in response to one of HER Help Wanted posts I was dying to know about this new awesome job she kept raving about on Facebook. Although I was very curious, in all honesty, I was also dubious and skeptical and unsure that I could effectively handle putting one more thing on my plate. I knew I needed to shift gears and focus on my own health and fitness (after having neglected it for awhile in the busyness of life) this year and just KNEW deep in my heart that THIS was the way in which to do it. I get to support and help others in making changes in their health and fitness (and their future selves), lead my own team in finding empowerment in their lives and work towards attaining the freedom to live a life of their dreams, AND have made amazing and inspiring new friends who have touched my life and made me a better person. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to share my life with others in this way, with such a supportive team, and want to pay it forward and provide this opportunity to three new coaches this month as we begin my March Coach Basics training group! If youd like to learn more about this #dreamjob just give me a jingle via private message or comment below! Whether or not this ends up being the right fit...I would just love to get to know you better! Simply add me on FB (fb/sheprdgal) and shoot me a message!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 08:43:32 +0000

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