What would you say to the person who maintains and teaches that - TopicsExpress


What would you say to the person who maintains and teaches that the person quoted below is a modern day judaizer? God is sovereign in Salvation. We are fallen sinners, we have no claim on him. He is free to save whom he wills and damn whom he wills. God could have let Jonah drown in the sea or parish in the belly of the fish and He would have not be one whiff less righteous, less holy, less gracious. God is god, He is the potter and we are the clay and no one can say to him why have you made me thus? God declares I will have mercy upon who I will have mercy and I will harden whom I will harden. He is sovereign in election, in choosing whom he will save. He is sovereign in accomplishing our salvation, in accomplishing the forgiveness of sins through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. He is sovereign in changing our hearts, sending his Spirit to grant us faith and repentance and ensuring that we persevere in faith til the end. Every last bit of our salvation is His doing. Theres not a single link in the chain of salvation that you made with your own autonomous free will. Its all His work from beginning to end to everlasting to everlasting. You can not add anything to Gods work of salvation anymore than Jonah could do something to contribute to his salvation. His salvation in the sea or in the belly of the fish. You are totally and completely dependent upon the mercy of the Lord. You are utterly dependent upon him for salvation. Jonah was helpless and you are helpless as well. We must look to the Lord God alone for salvation. Salvation comes through the death and resurrection of the greater Jonah [Jesus]. This is His doing we simply receive it. We do not contribute to it in anyway.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:49:38 +0000

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