What you can do about the review into the #Ikhwan ordered by - TopicsExpress


What you can do about the review into the #Ikhwan ordered by #Cameron: The Prime Minister has requested an inquiry into the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood and affiliated organisations in the UK and has called for written evidence to be submitted to the Home Office to assist with the inquiry. We are asking that people write letters or submission to the inquiry: [https://gov.uk/government/news/government-review-of-the-muslim-brotherhood]. The submissions can range from a short letter to the Home Office to a 3000 word submission. The submission can cover any number of points, such as the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood and affiliated organisations in the UK, or the human rights violations they are facing in Egypt, as well as the wider Middle East. Please find below some points which may help: · The review ordered by Prime Minister Cameron into the Muslim Brotherhood in Britain represents a threat to British liberties. · The review is the result of pressure placed on the British government by undemocratic regimes such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. · Our Prime Minister is setting a dangerous precedent by conducting this review. · The existence and presence of former Muslim Brotherhood members or sympathisers of the movement in Britain is one of peaceful nature. They are part and parcel of the British Muslim community working for the betterment of all in Britain. There is nothing sinister about their influence and ideological thinking. · Much of the literature, media and scholastic contribution that emanate from the Muslim Brotherhood thinking promote integration, engagement, equality and an enlightened worldview. For example, through working in partnership with others, they successfully channelled the energies and interests of the Muslim youth towards participation in elections; steer the youth away from extremism and radicalism such as opposing wars abroad; and providing well-grounded Islamic education that is fit for modern realities. · Should the government decide to proscribe or tarnish the image of the Muslim Brotherhood, it will by default target vast numbers of British Muslims who share or advocate the moderate and enlightened thinking of the Muslim Brotherhood. · The Muslim Brotherhood is not simply an organisation with limited membership. It is a school of thought that represents mainstream Islamic approach to reform. · Millions of Muslims around the world are affiliated to this school of thought and most of these are well placed in their communities and are usually highly qualified in the field they specialise. · In the Egyptian case, the Muslim Brotherhood has been the victim of a military coup that toppled the first democratically elected president. · Despite having been removed from power by force and having suffered the loss of thousands of their members in the military crackdown and having had their top leadership and many of their members incarcerated or banished, the Brotherhood has maintained a peaceful method of protest and ordered its members and sympathisers to refrain from any violent reaction to the violence perpetrated against them. · Across Europe and the UK there are many institutions that adhere to the Brotherhood school of thought and these have invariably contributed to constructive dialogue with other communities and always stressed positive engagement by Muslims in the societies in which they live. · The school of thought of the Muslim Brotherhood is espoused by mainstream political parties in several Muslim countries and some of these parties have upon participation in democratic elections won and formed governments such as in Tunisia, Turkey, Morocco and Indonesia. · Because of their peaceful approach and mainstream outlook, the Brotherhood has not been favourable with extreme groups in the locations where they function. Al-Qaida in particular considers the Brotherhood deviant because they refuse the tactics and ideas espoused by Al-Qaida and its manifestations. If possible, we ask that you also send copies of your submissions/letters to mbsubmissions2014@gmail where a legal team who are looking into the inquiry are compiling submissions. These submissions will be kept strictly confidential. Please can you also write to your local MP requesting that they put pressure on the government regarding this issue. You can find your local MP using this link: writetothem
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 18:08:01 +0000

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