What you can do in these Scary times and when they peak. By - TopicsExpress


What you can do in these Scary times and when they peak. By French Quarter Medium Maria Shaw Lawson Mars retrograde and opposing Uranus as well as opposing the Sun in Aries is causing folks to act out in explosive ways right now. Theres likely to be more accidents and arguments. Look at the news and you wont find a shortage of these stories. The recent massive shooting tradegy and the recent earth/weather conditions, theres stuff going on everywhere. Make sure you are extra safe these next several weeks. Watch your driving. Be careful. But also there is something more you can do too. Pay special attention now to your intution. If you are getting messages to stay home on saturday night, then do so. If you feel unsafe in any situation, immediately say to yourself I am safe and thank God/The Universe for being safe, sound and filled with protective light. Do not use the words, danger or accidents, etc as negative words may draw the situations to you. Keep doing this throughout your day. This aspect peaks on the Cardinal Grand Cross on April 23rd but also is very intense April 20-21. Another peak happens on June 25th. Words are very powerful...they are energy. Just as your thought patterns can turn situations around for the better, your words can too. Please share and like my fan page French Quarter Medium Maria Shaw Lawson for free daily astro posts. Or visit my website mariashaw to take the free crystal clear test. You ARE safe, protected and loved!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 12:32:53 +0000

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