What you focus on becomes your reality, I can give you a direct - TopicsExpress


What you focus on becomes your reality, I can give you a direct example of this in my life from recent events: Ive been looking into the Freeman movement, watching videos and subconsciously generated a negative attitude towards to police as a result; Ive not had any dealings with the police for many years other then one occasion three or so years back when the music was to loud at a friends party - but thats another story..... Anyhow, in the last two weeks Ive had a off duty police man drive into the back of my car ( luckily minimal damage was done) and, had the a group of police banging on my front door and kitchen window at 11pm at night scaring the be Jesus out of me; they needed to get in next door and she wasnt answering so it fell onto me! There is no such thing as a coincidence, all events that happen are a direct result of what we are focusing on and by paying attention to the police I drew them into my life in a very direct way. The basics of the universal law of attracting are: what you resist will persist, what you fear, you will draw to you like a magnet. This can also be explained by the work of Dr Masaru Emoto Hado - Water Crystals, or scientist Greg Bradens work of Change the world from within, I can highly recommend to check them out; what they have evidenced is that with the power of our intentions, we have the ability to effect the molecule structure of our external environment - and without going into the scientist to much, (which I hope you will check out for your selfs, as is a total shift in reality) lets just think about that for a minute... What this means is that when I am following my heart / institutions, and as a result am happy - as I will be in alignment with the greatest version of myself, my environment will also be happy as a result. This is the best example on the planet of a Win win situation! So.... having learnt my lesson, there will be no more bringing in to my life the very things I dont want, I will be manifesting the joys in the world and if only we all did the same - there would be no room for anything else. Follow your joy, it will lead you to more ^_^ In solidarity and love
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 11:00:53 +0000

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