What you may not have seen on the news tonight. Truck into canal - TopicsExpress


What you may not have seen on the news tonight. Truck into canal 20 miles west of Krome Avenue at 0430 this AM. These canals are notorious for the inhabitants - - alligators. This is the story as told by one of the first arriving officers and diver into the canal. Brandy LeNoir Paternoster 20 miles west of Krome, so of course Im thinking all the way out there that this guy doesnt have a chance. The accident wasnt witnessed. Passerby came across the semi down the embankment, cab fully submerged. No way of knowing how long it had been there, but when I got there, the sideboard lights were still on, so I thought it couldnt have been down too long. Only access into the water was the passenger side. Once I got under, I could see that the cab had jack-knifed to the left. All windows were intact. Got the passenger door open. Swept the cab. Banged on the cab a few times. Got no response. Could tell there was a sleeping compartment in the back (now up), but had to make a risk-vs-reward decision. Was concerned about the weight of the truck (had no way of knowing if it was loaded or not) still on an angle down the embankment pushing the only opening down into the mud or worse, actually rolling the cab. Decided not to commit fully all the way into the back until another diver arrived. Went out & over the cab. Tried the drivers door. It was jammed or locked. Right after I tried it, I saw the light of another diver. Didnt know who it was yet. Motioned for him to try the door. He couldnt get it either. Motioned to him to go to other side. We went back over the cab. Sal went right in & then up into the back. After a minute or so, he backed out & motioned for us to surface. When we surfaced, I said something like, Alright, lets sweep around outside the cab & see if we can find him. Sal says, No, hes in there. Oh, well, we should bring his body out since were here. I say. Sal says, NO! Hes alive! Hes breathing out of an air pocket...but he wont come out. Hes too scared At this point, the victim him had found something to bang on so we could hear him. WHAT?!? says I! Alight then, Lets buddy breathe off of my tank. You can give him your regulator. So thats what we did. Went back in. Turns out the guy was standing on the back of the passenger seat. I went on my Air2. Gave Sal my regulator & he gave the victim his. We started out 3 or 4 times, but the poor guy was scared to death. Wouldnt come. Sal actually had to go up into the air pocket & convince him. Finally, we just yanked him out & that was that. Im really very grateful that it went as well as it did. Im grateful we had good crews on scene. Im grateful Sal Hernandez was the next diver in. It was a good morning!
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 00:55:19 +0000

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