Whatever changes may be made to the ACA down the road, it ought - TopicsExpress


Whatever changes may be made to the ACA down the road, it ought not to happen as part of negotiations over a CR or a debt limit increase. If the Senate and the president were to start chopping up laws in exchange for the House fulfilling its constitutional duty, then every progressive act passed in the last sixty years could be put on the block. The entire democratic and political process would be thrown into disorder if such a precedent were established. Extremists could stop the government from functioning and create conditions which lead to economic turmoil and increased hardship for millions of people. Miss Parker makes reference to the Chancellor of Germany. Good. She is the one European leader who can most sympathize with the president and Senate Democrats. Chancellor Merkel knows the history of her own country. She knows the possible consequences of every political disagreement becoming a question of whether government will work—at all. She knows the danger of extremists being allowed to dictate the terms by which representative government performs basic constitutional tasks. And if she rings President Obama at 3 a.m. it is likely to be a call of encouragement rather than alarm. washingtonpost/opinions/kathleen-parker-shutdown-schmutdown/2013/10/01/9b106190-2ada-11e3-97a3-ff2758228523_story.html?hpid=z4
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 08:39:14 +0000

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