Whatever you do, dont read the comments, or so I was told. I - TopicsExpress


Whatever you do, dont read the comments, or so I was told. I love being home, cozy, unplugged + focused on whats in front of me. Having the ability to work from home, share with 40,000+ people on a daily basis and connect to so many incredible people around the world has afforded me a life, a purpose and a passion that I never thought I would find. . But... there is nothing like KNOWING and HONORING my priorities. I struggle so frequently for that balance. I am a LIBRA -- and very aware of when things are out of whack. I crave balance, but when the scale tips one way, it tips the other way too. . Recently my OWN fitness, family and friends have been suffering because I was so laser focused on moving, plugging back into my business and incorporating down time into my schedule like I would a business meeting. Its scary for me (and I know something that I CAN, HAVE + WILL conquer), but its even harder when there are so many eyes on you. . One of my Instagram followers left me a message stating that in her opinion, because my fitness/weight/progress has been inconsistent, that its hard for other to be inspired by me -- because it obviously isnt working for me. Now, normally I dont take the comments too seriously. Ive built up a pretty sturdy wall because the internet is a scary place. . But this time, this comment -- it stuck with me. . Probably because it was a little true. Im not out to be a fitness professional who contributes a consistent body fat % to her news feed and is photoshoot ready at all times. I dont think I ever declared that I wanted to be that. Am I portraying that kind of message? Is it clear to my social networks that I am NOT out to be that person? . My career goal is not to be an IDOL or THE ULTIMATE INSPIRATION. My goal as a coach and a social media presence is to empower OTHER people to accept their flaws and find their strength. Its to prove by example that NO MATTER how far out of balance your life gets, you have the ability to change your future. To share openly, honestly, humbly and with the heart of a servant -- not to GLORIFY myself, my progress, my accomplishments or my perfect progress. . Defining my expertise, worth or impact based on my body fat percentage, perfect record or flawless execution is what the WORLD wants us to do. I have a higher purpose and a God that has given me worth based on HIS definition. . Its exhausting and quite frankly -- impossible -- to live up to the standards of your peers, followers, internet friends, co-workers and onlookers. You will never have perfect balance, a perfect record, a perfect body. Why? Because its all subjective. . In this, I learned a wildly valuable lesson. KNOW who you are and WHAT defines you. Center and build yourself on whatever that is for you. If you construct your value based on the opinions of man, youll crumble just as quickly when they tear you down. . Im not here to be untouchable, perfect and an idol for everyone. Im here to share my story, share my truth and empower a ton of people along the way.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 14:49:32 +0000

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