Whatever you vote tomorrow and whatever the outcome I believe that - TopicsExpress


Whatever you vote tomorrow and whatever the outcome I believe that these lyrics are appropriate either way, in both a YES or NO outcome. This debate has been full of politician fighting politician, friend fighting friend, a nasty show of lies and propaganda by the press and political parties... and worst of all, Scots showing strong forms of aggression to their fellow Scots and our neighbours (some of them anyway). We need to rise above that for a better future. I honestly dont know how I will vote tomorrow just yet (surprising I know) but I would like to remind all my friends to vote without prejudice, without fear, with an open mind and heart, without a Braveheart sentimentality but also without a paranoia to change. Do what you think is best for yourself and for your country. Scotland will flourish by the sweat of our labour The strength of our will and the force of our minds Forget the old battles, those days are over Hatred corrupts and friendship refines Let the Scots be a nation proud of their heritage Wi an eye on the future and a heart to forgive And let us be rid of those bigots and fools Who will not let Scotland live and let live Let us govern our country wisely and fairly Let each man and woman work with a will And Scotland will flourish secure in the knowledge That we reap our own harvest and ring our own till And let us be known for our kind hospitality A hand that is openly proffered to friends A hard working people, proud and unbending Scotland will thrive and win out in the end. - The Corries https://youtube/watch?v=gkr9c_ok-7c
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 00:40:13 +0000

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