Whatever your position, you should just try to eat whole foods to - TopicsExpress


Whatever your position, you should just try to eat whole foods to start with. Now lets talk about chemicals. Glyphosate; the main ingredient in the herbicide Round Up. If you were to make me the head of the FDA, or the Poison Czar, or whatever new political appointment you would want to hand out, I’d go straight after interdicting that chemical. And while I was on a roll, I’d remove synthetic pesticides from the food chain. My last two words are parsed that way on purpose. I just read a very interesting interview in Acres USA magazine, the October, 2014 edition. The scientist interviewed, André Leu, said that Glyphosate bioaccumulates as it works its way up the food chain. In other words, it does not break down as promised. Ditto most pesticides. He notes that in the last twenty years the equipment for testing both the presence and toxicity of these chemicals has become extremely powerful which allows testing for drift at very low levels, and concomitantly way up the food chain. Case in point, neonatal cord blood. You see, whether male or female, we have a very powerful defense mechanism to protect our brains from poisoning. It’s called the Blood Brain Barrier. Certain “recognized” chemicals pass through, and many malevolent molecules are banished. A backup system is our body fat. Got a poison, be it arsenic or the coloring agent in Cheetos, the body will store it in fat cells until elimination can be effected. But women have a double blessing in that the placenta is a filter to not allow poisons to pass to the baby. And here lies the problem with Human Chemistry. We’ve come up with eight to fifteen thousand substances (no one really knows how many) that are used in Modern food-processing. It’s no longer just salt and pepper. And that’s not taking into account the plethora of industrial and agricultural chemicals we come into contact with. Again, who knows the full lexicon? So it comes as no surprise to me that Mr. Leu noted that if you pick up any neonate in the Untied States and test his or her cord blood, twenty-six agricultural chemicals show up. That should give us all a moment of pause!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 02:47:36 +0000

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