Whatever your spirituality, beliefs, or yearly celebrations, I - TopicsExpress


Whatever your spirituality, beliefs, or yearly celebrations, I want to just share some things with you all. I hated Christmas and all that it represented for years and years. I hated the silly music and stupid propaganda associated with the commercial nature of it. It upset me that a vast majority of folks see this as a yearly chance to promote theology onto others, as if it was a competition of who is more righteous. Then I watched as someone I loved truly embraced this all in the sweetest of ways. Jesse loves this stuff and she gets to use Christmas to spoil her family with appreciation. I have set aside all of my own personal hurt to let her have this every year for a very honest purpose. That is what Christmas, or these winter celebrations are to me...My singular ability to let someone else smile. I see many of you do this for your children or loved ones. I hope we all collectively never let go of it because I can see how needed it is for them. So what that it is corny and a bit plastic! So what that we know it is a bit put on and made up! I never saw my wife smile so much as she did when a box from England arrived filled with gifts. That moment is my gift of her joy. That is why I can blank out the endless commercials on TV and the drunken acts of many. Whomever you are reading this, my hope is that you can find your own reason to just enjoy the end of this year. If you are down, I know it along side of you for what hurts me always...but let us try to bond in caring amongst ourselves for better towards others. If you are happy and things are going well for you, please be nice about it. I could crow loudly for all of the things I have coming, but I swear it is not my intent to be loud or self centered. Wherever you go and do this year end, know that what truly matters is this: You made it. Look back and see the mayhem and loss of others and feel blessed it was not you. Look ahead with hope because we all need that as well. And always look inside. If you can keep a focus there, you will be spared the folly of missing out on what really counts... that being what you feel for others. This year I was given so many wonderful new friends. I have like 20 times the ability and strengths now because of you. My Christmas is you. You who helped me or loved me and cared about me. I wear your gift all year in the smiles I share. I believe this so much because long ago I dreamed that one day I would have people care about me for who I was to them. You all are my dreams come true in one truly unique way. Happy year end holidays to you each and know that I send prayers that we have a safe sharing of love this season. With appreciation and love, Nicholas James Yarris
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 16:36:29 +0000

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