Whats Behind Canadas Trouble Relationship With Its Aboriginal - TopicsExpress


Whats Behind Canadas Trouble Relationship With Its Aboriginal People? The federal government is a foreign occupying force and indigenous native people are the original inhabitants of the Americas whose national and human rights based on natural law and universal order. Rights defined in perpetuity by the Creator God through natural boundaries provided by the watersheds of major rivers their people lived along from the beginning of time. And they cant get over it! Based on fact common indigenous native people do not view becoming equal to non-native people as going forward. As common non-native people have no national and human rights in North America that North American governments are obligated to recognize. Since North American governments have instituted process and procedures which ensure they never have to recognize them! Such as acquiring citizenship. A process that requires immigrants seeking citizenship to exchange their national and human rights for legislated corporate privileges. As legislated privileges can be terminated as easily as they are granted. Or establishing Canada as a multicultural society a process which ensures that common non-native people as members of historical and recent immigrant groups can never claim to have national rights in Canada. As a nation of people are defined as having a shared culture, etc., etc. Plus these process and procedures ensure any policies and processes imposed on common indigenous native people through martial laws that make up the Indian Act of Canada can be imposed on all common non-native people. As they as recent immigrants have been living under said martial laws since they entered this country or since they were imposed on all indigenous tribal nations. It is through these policies and many others they hope to make common non-native people equal to common native people. They in fact wish to impose the lowest economic, political and social status assigned to one group on all other groups to created the impression everyone is being treated equally under law. It is only then equity and enslavement can be achieved. A multinational process that will eliminating their troubled relationship with common indigenous people by imposing total control over everyone. peace - Del Askewe
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 15:33:44 +0000

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