Whats New, Pussycat? On Thursday 6th August, the warnings went - TopicsExpress


Whats New, Pussycat? On Thursday 6th August, the warnings went out. The refuge had no more room for cats. Having had over 100 kittens dropped off in little over two months, there simply was no more space in quarantine. Any further arrivals would sadly have to be euthanised as there was simply no capacity to care for them. At one point, there were 30 kittens with infectious diseases needing hand-feeding every two hours! When a rather well-dressed lady turned up with her cats offspring on Friday 7th, the refuge could not accept them. The lady left them to their fate, knowing that in two hours time they were likely to be euthanised. Through no fault of their own, the inn was full and they would have to pay the price. The five kittens sat in a cage on the desk at the refuge with a sign that read Will be euthanised tonight if no home can be found. They cowered in the litter tray, terrified and afraid, hissing at anyone who looked at them. With every refuge worker and most of the regular volunteers having already kittens in quarantine in bathrooms and spare bedrooms, the clock ticked down. I sat looking at them. It was 5.35. In 25 minutes, they would be put to sleep. By 5.36, I had made my decision. The refuge was empty. Nobody else could take them. I loaded them into a cat carrier as the refuge staff gave me harried smiles, thankful they had not had to do the unspeakable. Croquettes and cat litter were picked up on the way home, and by 6.15, I had set up the crate in my bathroom and the kittens had a brief reprieve. That night, I launched an appeal to find a 15-day foster family who could keep the cats separate for 15 days until all risk of infectious diseases was past. By 10pm, I had had three offers from my most wonderful friends, and the kittens had a two-week reprieve. Now it is time to start to find these kittens homes. They have had their vaccinations now, as well as having been wormed and deflead. They went from scared little savages to playful little monkeys, and thus their journey began. There are two boys (one tabby/white and one black) and three girls (one tabby/white, one black and white, one black). By Saturday 23rd August, they will be ready to go to their homes. Naomi and her brother Leon have taken really great care of the kittens and Naomi has given me a brilliant write-up for each one, as well as having taken these amazing photographs. She says: Tabby boy: very cuddly, the moment you walk in the room hell start purring once hes gotten used to you, generally very affectionate! Tabby girl: very very shy but will still let you stroke her. Needs someone who will spend a bit more time with her so she can get used to them Black and white girl, about the same as the tabby boy, very cuddly and will come up to you for cuddles Black girl, very playful but is always the first to go to sleep, will come for cuddles Black boy, protective of his food and will bat away any little paws getting close to it! Playful and will often pounce on his brothers and sisters. Affectionate and purrs a lot! Can you help find these kittens a home? It would be lovely if they could be adopted in pairs or even as a three so that they continue to grow in confidence having a little familiarity with them. Having had such a terrible start to life, it would be great for them to fine a magnificent home. Animals should not pay the price for mans inhumanity. The kittens will be available via the Refuge de lAngoumois. They will cost 90€ each and come with a free sterilisation voucher to ensure that there are not subsequent generations of kittens brought in to face time on death row. The 90€ covers initial flea treatment, worming tablets, vaccinations, chip and sterilisation - a price much lower than you would pay to do these things by yourself. Not only are they beautiful, they are a bargain! Please contact Emma Milly-Lily Lee for further details and information, and please share these little guys if you can. If you would like a kitten and you dont see one here that makes your heart melt, there are 80 kittens at the refuge, so feel free to pay the refuge a visit and find the kitty of your dreams.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 20:24:06 +0000

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