Whats On My Mind? Been fiddling with my handheld device for - TopicsExpress


Whats On My Mind? Been fiddling with my handheld device for over an hour, thinking of whats on my mind. Cant really connect with any sh*t. Just lost in some deep introspective thoughts and trying to look at life through the eye of a prism while focusing on nothing in particular. I needed a source of motivation to start writing. I want a lead, a clue or if you like an EXPO, so I scanned through Zuckerbergville for stories that can give me inspiration but all what I saw were the usual squabbles and gobbledygook from my people occupying a space carved out of the biosphere or is it lithosphere(?) and amalgamated as the Lugardian state with the largest amalgam of black people from a non cosmopolitan, multicultural, ethnocentric background and what have you. Aint we lucky, the Grand Architect made it in such a way that we did not find themselves in-situ at the Archepalagean and mountainous ridges of the Himalayas where seismic vibrations and tectonic shifts in the mantle of the earth crust resulting in eruptions of molten magma and earthquakes measuring close to or over 9.0+ on the Richter scale is the order of the day? Perhaps if you know some facts about the lithosphere, youll get my drift. The upper rigid surface of the earth is called lithosphere and it is made up of the crust and the top mantle. It is about 100km or 62 miles thick. The lithosphere was discovered by seismology and that literally means balls of stone. It is broken up into about 20 tectonic plates. When these plates rubs together, thats what causes earthquake. Moving on swiftly from Geography to folklore. A story is told about how the Japanese and Southern California people led a joint protest aluta march chanting, We no go gree o, we no go gree, to God accusing the Grand Architect of the universe of bias, the morning after creation. They told him that he was not equitable in distributing natural disasters. They complained about his bias and queried him on why he gave them all the erupting volcanic beds and earthquakes inducing tectonic plates while he gave the inhabitants of the amalgamated Lugardian enclave abundance of arable land for agricultural activities, excess crude oil reserve, solid mineral resources in addition to a friendly weather and atmospheric conditions inter alia. For answer, the Man Upstairs cleared his throat, and told the protesters to wait and see the kind of people he is going to put there. So you see, greatness is all about the people and not the resources above or beneath the soil. Greatness is in you, so dont get it twisted. Talking about natural disasters, according to Science For A Changing World, earthquakes pose a significant danger to over 75 million Americans in 36 states. Alaska and California register the most earthquakes in a given year. However California has the worst devastation arising from an earthquake because of its high population and robust infrastructure. Florida and North Dakota has fewer earthquakes each year. Japan has a long history of earthquakes and seismic activity. It is an area of high seismicity because it is located near major tectonic plate boundaries and is situated on the Pacific ring of fire. The list of earthquakes in Japan with a magnitude 7.0 or greater than 7.0 on the Richter scale which caused significant damage and death is inexhaustible. But on the 11th of March, 2011, a megathrust earthquake hypocenter off the coast of Oshika peninsula reported what will go down in history as the strongest earthquake to hit Japan and one of the top five deadly earthquakes in the world since seismological record keeping began. The quake was followed by a tsunami with waves of up to 10 meter. This disaster left over 16,000 people dead and inflicted extensive material damage to building and infrastructure that led to significant accidents at four major nuclear power stations. 2,615 people were also reported missing. Despite all these natural disasters plaguing Japan and America, the people of these great countries has risen up to the challenge as they triumph in the face of adversity and they lead the rest of the world in the field of science and technology, etc. They simply refused to be cowed by natural disasters because greatness is in them. In defiance to the tsunami, the region boast of some of the world best infrastructure and architectural master pieces. Fast forward to Nigeria, a potentially great country with all the good features in terms of resources any of the world super power wished they have. Here is a land devoid of natural disaster. But where they are deficit in disaster of nature, they made up the numbers with human disasters! The grand Architect of the universe must have carefully selected the worst species of Homo sapiens and coupled them together in the Lugardian state. Boko Haram has killed more people than all the natural disasters in Japan and the United State put together in the last ten years. Ask Google, your friend just a click away, if youre in doubt. Leadership failure has ensured that we remained a kindergarten in the committee of nations, 54 years after flag independence. Nigeria is now the subject of jokes and bout of hysteria in the international village square. Three days ago, I met a guy at the airport in Paris, and we got talking. The moment he found out that I am a Nigerian, his next question did not come to me as a surprise. He asked me why is it that the stories coming out of Nigeria are always tales of violence, killing, religious intolerance, political squabbles inter alia. I was startled but quickly regained my composure and asked him where he was from and how did he get to know so much about the malodorous stench emanating from the Lugardian state? He said Sierra Leone and before he move on, I swiftly put him on the defense. I told him I have been to Sierra Leone, the place is a relic and it appears nothing much is really going on there. Perhaps they are still recuperating from the the rebel war and all the chase for blood diamond and tussle for power. Trust the patriotic citizen of Sierra Leone, he took his time to explain the past and the current situations in his country and what the government is doing to get the country back on its feet and he was full of praise for his country in terms of what she has achieved as an emerging economy in Africa. When he was done painting his country with praise and adoration, he turned the spotlight back on me, and wanted to know what exactly went down in Chibok where what is unarguably the greatest hostage taking situation in contemporary warfare took place with the wholesale abduction of over 200 school girls. Now this is a tough call, but then I am made to understand that an Ambassador is someone who is paid to lie about his country abroad. This got me thinking, should I work pro bono for the Nigerian government? What exactly is the status of the Chibok cabaret? Yes to me it is an entertainment show of shame on how not to rule a country. Its been 78 days since that sordid and ordoriferous news of the abduction broke. What can I say as an Ambassador working pro bono. I took a deep breathe and muttered a little prayer, Holy Spirit help me. If I was ever in doubt that prayer answereth all things, my doubt was lifted as the microphone came on with the speaker announcing, Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a boarding announcement for passengers on Flight 1780 from Charles De Gaulle, Paris to London, Heathrow. All passengers checked in on this service should process to Gate K-36 for boarding. Thats my flight, sorry I have to run. I wish you a safe trip. I shouted as I took a long sip on my drink and trashed the can, running away like a teenager running straight into the succulent and soft bosom hoping to be serenaded by the outstretched arms of his school date. That was exactly how the Holy Spirit saved me and prevented me from acting as an Ambassador at large or Extempore or what ever fancy names they choose to call it in the Lugardian state with self inflicted human disasters! Dazzol.....
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 09:07:20 +0000

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