Whats all this upheaval about the movie, Noah? Some pros and many - TopicsExpress


Whats all this upheaval about the movie, Noah? Some pros and many cons. I have not seen the movie and if I choose to go Ill go knowing its a Hollywood movie produced by an atheist. I can separate that kind of thinking like Christians going to an R rated movie, or not. For some its a sin and for others they just know its the way of the world. However many people cannot even meet in the middle, good hearted believers and others who may be seeking God may be puzzled what they are seeing such as in the scene where Noah tells about killing off children. Noah was a loving man who loved people and his God. I have a friend whos not closed minded and is a Pastor but his view on this movie was different, almost like going to a crime scene of sorts. Heres his account of the movie, Noah: NOAH may be the dumbest and most blasphemous movie I have ever seen in my life. Correction... It IS the dumbest and most blasphemous movie I have ever seen. Understand, I am 43 years old. I have seen some really bad Bible-themed movies. This movie did not miss on random details here and there. It was a secular humanistic approach to life. It painted a horrible picture of God, though it never actually named Him. It butchered the character of Noah. It obliterated the account we find in Scripture. The first thing you see is this lie... In the beginning, there was nothing... And the movie goes downhill from there. This is the story of Mad Max meets Lord Of The Rings meets Al Gore Global Warming documentary. If you want to sucker Christians in to see it... Just claim it is one of our stories, name someone Noah, let him work on a building project called an ark, and then make it rain. Then spread your false religion in the script. Works every time. As the ark sets sail, there are 7 people on it. Then there are 9. But before Noah can murder his two newborn grand-babies, he has to fight the stowaway who is trying to pirate the ark with the help of Ham, Noahs young son. I am not even kidding. For those keeping score, there are now 8 people on the ark... 2 of them being less than 6 hours old. And just before Noah slices the babies to death with a knife, he apparently has a change of heart. There are some who may say I am nit-picking what is a slight variation to the story. But only those who are Biblically illiterate. It was all I could do to force myself to stat in my chair. My faith isnt damaged, but my spiritual blood pressure is up. Im glad I stayed, as there was a brief opportunity to share truth with people as the credits rolled. As soon as the credits began, someone started to clap. Another person yelled out, No. It got quiet. I stood and said, That was an awful portrayal of Noah and the flood. God is not like that. Noah was not like that. If you want to know the true story, please go read the Bible. A couple of people started coming in. A woman let everyone know that this is what Hollywood does to the Bible. I said, When nonbelievers try to tell Gods story, this junk is what you get. Some people started saying Amen. Almost had church right there. I looked at the couple still sitting behind me, and said, Im sorry... but someone has to defend the truth. He said, Dont be sorry. I was wanting to say something. Should you take your kids? Absolutely... take your kids to see this if you want their impressionable minds to be twisted about Gods Word by a visual spectacle and a compelling storyline they wont soon forget. Wasnt there anything redemptive in it? Yeah... Ill have to get back to you on that. Full review coming later.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 14:55:13 +0000

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