Whats going on in the Ukraine? By which I mean, why in the world - TopicsExpress


Whats going on in the Ukraine? By which I mean, why in the world is the US and the EU backing the overthrow of a sitting, elected president by a rabble-rousing coup, and why are they now backing the clear will of the people of the Crimea region in the wake of that completely illegal overthrow of the government? Calling the vote illegal is stupid and nonsensical since the government that declared the vote illegal is itself an illegally founded government. They dont have any legal jurisdiction to declare the vote illegal. Obamas brinkmanship in an issue that most Americans arent really very interested in, and if they are, theyre probably asking why were backing the wrong guys anyway, is pretty perplexing. Ive heard some wild, conspiracy theory type suppositions about this being a banksta takeover, given that the interim govermn in the Ukraine is led by the former chair of the Ukrainian federal bank. I dont really give a lot of credence, necessarily, to banksta conspiracy theories, but regardless of whats going on, it doesnt really make alot of sense for us to have much of an official opinion or position on, especially one that is demonstrably dangerous and risky to our interests, such as they are, in the area.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 12:11:24 +0000

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