Whats happening in Ferguson would be unbelievable. Except that its - TopicsExpress


Whats happening in Ferguson would be unbelievable. Except that its not. Because weve all seen black people discriminated against like this time and time again and people will continue to experience oppression simply for the colour of their skin until all of us white people make a concerted effort to educate ourselves and be good allies for once. Im talking to every white person out there, including myself. People of colour dont need white people to speak for them or over them- there are plenty of us who already do this constantly! Part of racism involves white people being the only ones to have input on the boundaries of racism. However, we do have a responsibility to call out racism when we see it. So today Im talking to those fellow white people that I should have (constructively) called out for for their universally problematic actions: To every white person that says nigger. Not a word we get to reclaim. Using ghetto as a fun adjective People wearing bindis as a fashion statement Knowingly consuming and supporting racist artists (artist is subject to opinion) like Iggy Azalea, Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus To everyone that sees racism and does nothing: Racism needs to be condemned, on every kind of scale. We can all do better and we must.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 12:18:14 +0000

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