Whats happening in the military in our home country is devastating - TopicsExpress


Whats happening in the military in our home country is devastating and heart breaking and people laughing it through and saying they deserve it is just upright disgusting. Theres so much fear in so many soldiers and to top it of all the innocent men that suffer from PTSD they suffer everyday without this there fear is replaying in there head and there constantly looking over there shoulder because there scared and so many people have preached to those soldiers your home your safe you made it but not thats all falling apart. This is all a sick game taunting these soldiers and its unfair. When will anything ever be at peace. I have lived in a few military towns during my life as my father was a great soldier and fought for his country and proved what its meant to be a soldier what its meant to be someone to look up to, and then I fell in love with a soldier a man who would do nothing more than keep me safe and his family and his country and I have met so many other soldiers on my way. Theres no point in time that any of these men and women deserve this. Look over the soldiers now and watch out for each of them. Cause this may be hitting some of them much closer to home!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 12:42:36 +0000

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