Whats most important about the two Supreme Court rulings today has - TopicsExpress


Whats most important about the two Supreme Court rulings today has nothing to do with issues at hand, forcing corporations to pay for contraceptives and public employee unions not forcing people to pay fees. Yes, theyre important decisions, but not the most important. What was most important was that each of these no-brainer decisions were determined by a 5 to 4 vote. In other words, the difference between our nation recognizing the Constitution and freedom and our way of life is in the hands of exactly one person. One person, one politically advantaged lawyer, can actually decide the fate of the nation (see John Roberts voting in favor if ObamaCare). Each of these decisions, and many others over the past 6 years, should have been decided conservatively by 9-0, 8-1, instead how many were 5-4? What this means is that regardless of whom the GOP puts up as candidates in the Senate in 2014, and regardless of whom the GOP puts up as their candidate in 2016, YOU MUST VOTE FOR THE GOP. Yes, we fight for conservatives, we fight for the tea party, we continue to hate Karl Rove, Mitch McConnell and the cabal that won the corrupt primary in Mississippi, we mock and castigate those GOPers who are losers or scumbags, but WE DO NOT STAY HOME. The substitution of even one single conservative justice for a liberal justice will destroy the lives of your children and grandchildren and on and on for the end of time. Its really that simple and uncomplicated.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 15:21:10 +0000

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